Academic Catalog 2024-2025
Slippery Rock University
Catalog A-Z Index
- 101: Distributed Education: SEFE 893 Extended Dissertation
- 102: SOWK 290 Foster Care, Adoption and Permanency in the Child Welfare System
- 103: MUSI 353 Prerequisite Change
- 104: ENGL429 DE Approval
- 106: ENGL409 DE Approval
- 107: Mathematics Undergraduate program
- 108: ENGL656 Seminar in Visual Rhetoric DE Approval
- 109: Offer CHEM 496 as a distributed education course
- 10: Request for Distributed Ed Course Designation for FIN 390 Risk Management
- 110: Distributed Education Request Phil 313 Symbolic Logic
- 111: CSS 351 Fraud
- 112: CSS 352 Law and Ethics in the Workplace
- 114: HSS 130 Principles of Emergency Management
- 115: HSS 120 Introduction to Homeland Security
- 116: Update Prerequisite Courses for MARS courses
- 117: HIP Service-Learning Designation
- 118: LEAD 490
- 11: PSYC 290
- 120: Request for Distributed Ed Course Designation HCAM 385 Insurance and Cost Containment
- 123: Criminology and Criminal Justice MA
- 124: DEI Course Designation
- 127: CDEV 590 Introduction to Play Therapy
- 128: Program Moratorium of M.S. in Health Informatics
- 129: Course Title Change
- 12: HIST 590: Massacre & Genocide
- 130: Course Offering Schedule Change
- 132: Update College of Education Course Codes
- 136: REMOVE MRKT 230 and MRKT 303 from THREADS
- 138: Cybr 401 - Software Security Analysis
- 139: SUBJ 139: Foundations of Academic Discovery - UPDATES
- 140: DEI Designation for Transfer Students
- 141: Hist 318
- 143: Hist 428: Modern France Added to Threads
- 144: Intermediate/ Advanced/ Senior Studio Graphic Design request to move to online formate
- 145: request to add a course to threads
- 146: SEFE 426 - Distributed Ed Approval
- 147: Add new course prefixes ECSE and COMG
- 148: STAT 700 Distributed Education
- 149: 100% Online Modality for M.Ed. Basic Concentrations (English, Math/Science with Stem, History)
- 14: Memo - MBA Concentration Moratorium
- 150: Marketing bachelor degree online degree completion
- 151: New course prefix CIEL
- 152: Add to Threads: HONR 300
- 153: Update wording on pre-requisite for BIOL 325
- 155: SOWK 590: Animal Assisted Social Work in Schools
- 156: SOWK 590: Narrative Therapy
- 157: Distributed Ed for Independent Studies
- 158: Distributed Education: PSYC 473 Hormones and Behavior
- 159: DEI Course Designation
- 15: PHYS 271: Astronomy
- 161: RNC: EGEO 390 Introduction to Petrology
- 162: RCEC: EGEO 390 Introduction to Petrology
- 163: Change CPSC 102 - Distributed Ed
- 164: MRKT 390 Sales force leadership
- 165: MRKT 390 Sales force leadership
- 166: Course Offerings Change
- 169: blended/hybrid designation for PHTH 742
- 170: Request to add courses (HLTH 314 and HLTH 210) to threads
- 171: Request to add a course (HLTH 211) to threads
- 172: Correction - Concurrent Co-requisities for CHEM 112, 212
- 173: ART 490 Independent Study
- 174: Linear Algebra Distributed Ed
- 175: Request for Distance Education Designation for BIOL 209 and BIOL 309
- 176: ENGL 498
- 177: NURS 610 Advanced Concepts in Nursing Research
- 178: Distributed Education Request MGMT 6@@ and 7@@ MGMT MBA elective
- 17: MEMO: Moratorium on New Course Additions to the Rock Studies Integrated Program
- 180: CDEV 590: Counseling with Choice Theory/Reality Therapy
- 18: HEMT 390 Current Issues in Tourism
- 19: SEFE Distributed Education Request
- 2023-2024 Academic Calendar
- 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
- 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
- 20: Memo - HMT Master of Science moratorium
- 21: Program Moratorium: Secondary Education - French
- 22: Remove "for" in minor titles
- 23: Add preK to Music Education
- 24: Approve Distributed Education for ENGL621: The Teaching of Writing
- 25: Prefix change for four INDS courses to ESAP
- 26: DEI Course Designation
- 27: Faculty DEI designation for additional courses
- 28: MUSI 300: Marching Band Techniques
- 29: Service-Learning
- 30: GES 390: Advanced UAS
- 31: SOWK 590 Medical Social Work
- 32: SOWK 590 Substance Use Disorders
- 34: Backdate POLS Programs 343, 344, 345, 346, 347
- 35: HIP Service-Learning
- 36: Request for Distributed Education for SPAN 302 Communicating in Spanish for the Elementary Classroom
- 37: Request to make ENGL 314: European Film a Distributed Education Course
- 38: SOWK 460 Social Work Integrative Seminar
- 39: Applied Research and Evidenced-Based
- 3: Bio390- Experimental Course- Endocrinology
- 40: Bio100
- 42: New BFA Concentration Title
- 43: MBA Blended Program Moratorium
- 44: Research Methods in Interdisciplinary Studies
- 45: Advanced Chemistry Laboratory
- 47: ENGL 490 - Independent Study
- 48: Request for Distributed Education for PHYS 216 University Physics 1 with Lab
- 49: SEFE 892 Dissertation - Credits
- 4: correct supporting doc. for UCC curricular proposal – March 1, 2022 meeting
- 51: ENGR 210, ENGR 230, ENGR 240
- 52: CDEV 590 School Mental Health Systems
- 53: SOWK 334
- 54: Assigning DEI designation to the following courses
- 55: Request for Distributed Education Course Designation for PHIL 313 Symbolic Logic
- 56: ESAP 190: Cultivating Self-Advocacy
- 57: PE 310, PE 311, PE 312 - Code as Lecture
- 58: THEA 310 Distributed Education
- 59: PHYS 317: Space Science
- 5: HIST 343, 344, 411, 445, 590
- 60: THEA 303 Acting III Distributed Ed Request
- 61: FIN 390 - Enterprise Risk Management
- 62: ENGL 332: Modern English Grammar and Syntax
- 63: ENGL 312: Introduction to Shakespeare
- 64: DEI designation for INDP 170 Making sense of Our Modern World
- 65: Request for updating the effective date for curriculum changes
- 66: 63: Art Design Certificate
- 68: Program Moratorium for Emergency Management Minor
- 69: Program Moratorium for Emergency Management Certificate
- 6: DEI Course Designation
- 70: DIST Approval Request
- 71: PCRM 390 Survey Methods in Parks
- 72: MAcc moratorium
- 74: GES 344 Environmental Justice
- 75: 3+4 LECOM Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Moratorium
- 76: HSS170 Lenses of Catastrophe Online
- 78: Memo for DEI course designation
- 79: SOWK 736 Social work with families impacted by trauma
- 7: Memo DE Approval INDP 226 Population and Society
- 80: SOWK 737 Behavioral health services in child welfare and juvenile justice
- 81: GNDR 180 Online
- 82: SOWK 630 Clinical practice with children and families
- 83: SOWK 635 Clinical practice with adults
- 84: SOWK 730 Practice skills following crises
- 85: SOWK 740 Animal-assisted social work
- 86: SOWK 742 Animal-assisted social work practice with kids
- 87: SOWK 743 Animal-assisted social work with seniors
- 88: SOWK 744 Animal-assisted crisis response
- 89: 3+3 program with Widener Commonwealth Law School
- 8: DE for HIST 490 and 435
- 90: Notice of Affiliation agreement with U of Pitt School of Law
- 91: 3+ BS-Biology- Histotechnology (CIM Program 73)
- 92: SOWK 590 Clinical Use of Board and Tabletop Games
- 93: SOWK 590 Expressive Therapies in Social Work Practice
- 94: MSW Additional Delivery Method
- 95: DEI Course Designation
- 96: Teaching Health and Physical Education Online Letter of Completion
- 97: Computer competency
- 9: PSYC 490, PSYC 476, PSYC 289
- Absence and Attendance
- Academic Advisers (Undergraduate)
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Certificates
- Academic Complaints
- Academic Honor Societies
- Academic Honor Societies and Professional Organizations
- Academic Integrity
- Academic Majors (Undergraduate)
- Academic Minors (Undergraduate)
- Academic Policies
- Academic Programs
- Academic Programs and Units
- Academic Restart (Undergraduate)
- Academic Standing
- Accelerated Three-Plus (3+) Program (Undergraduate)
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
- Accounting, Certificate
- Accounting, Minor (for BSBA and HCAM students only)
- Accounting Online, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
- Acting, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Acting
- Acting, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Musical Theatre
- Actuarial Science, Minor
- Adapted Physical Activity, Minor
- Admission
- Admission To Degree Candidacy (Graduate)
- Adventure Fitness, Minor
- American Politics, Minor
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- Animal Assisted Interventions, Minor
- Animal Assisted Social Work, Certificate
- Anthropology, Minor
- Application for Certification (Graduate)
- Applied History, Certificate
- Applied Research, Statistics and Measurement, Certificate
- Applying For Graduation
- Aquatics, Minor
- Arabic, Minor
- Archived Graduate Catalogs
- Archived Undergraduate Catalogs
- Army ROTC
- Art
- Art (ART)
- Art, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Ceramic Arts
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Digital Media
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Drawing
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Fiber Arts
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Graphic Design
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in K-12 Art Teacher Preparation
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Metalsmithing
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Painting
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Photography
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Printmaking
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Psychology
- Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Sculpture
- Art: Ceramics, Certificate
- Art: Digital Media, Certificate
- Art: Drawing, Certificate
- Art: Fiber Art, Certificate
- Art for Elementary Education Majors, Minor
- Art: Graphic Design, Certificate
- Art - Graphic Design for Communications Majors, Minor
- Art History, Minor
- Art: Metalsmithing, Certificate
- Art, Minor
- Art: Painting, Certificate
- Art: Photography, Certificate
- Art: Printmaking, Certificate
- Art: Sculpture, Certificate
- Asian Studies, Minor
- Athletics
- Athletics
- Athletic Training
- Athletic Training (ATTR)
- Athletic Training, Master of Science (MS)
- Auditing Courses (Undergraduate)
- Bailey Library
- Bailey Library
- Big Data Science, Certificate
- Biology
- Biology, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Biology, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Pre-Master of Education (7-12)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Cellular and Molecular Biology - Concentration in Bioinformatics
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Conservation Biology
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Integrative Biology
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Integrative Biology / Pre-Master of Education (7-12)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Medical Technology
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions / Antigua Medicine (4+4)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions / Pre-Chiropractic (Logan) (3+3)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions / Pre-Chiropractic (Palmer) (3+3)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions / Pre-Dental (LECOM) (4+4)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration In Pre-Health Professions / Pre-Dental (WVU) (4+4)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions / Pre-Osteopathy (LECOM) (4+4)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (3+2)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Pre-Health Professions / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (Traditional)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology, Minor
- Biology, Pre-Pharmacy (LECOM) (2+3)
- Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Concentration in Accounting
- Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Concentration in Finance
- Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Concentration in Human Resources
- Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Concentration in Management
- Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Concentration in Marketing
- Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (MBA) - General Concentration
- Business Administration, Minor (Non-BSBA Majors)
- Business Analytics, Certificate
- Business Analytics, Minor
- Business Management Pre-MBA, Minor (Non-Business Majors Only)
- Business Undeclared
- Campus Recreation
- Campus Recreation
- Campus Resources and Services
- Campus Resources and Services
- Career Education and Development
- Career Education and Development
- Catalog All
- CDEV 598-: Trauma Counseling
- CDEV 598-: Trauma-Informed Counseling
- Chamber Music Performance, Minor
- Change of Major (Undergraduate)
- Chemistry
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Biochemistry
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Chemistry Education
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Computational Chemistry
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Environmental Chemistry
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Forensic Chemistry
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Health Sciences
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Pharmacy (Duquesne) (3+4)
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Pharmacy (LECOM) (3+3)
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (3+2)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry, Minor
- Chemistry, Pre-Pharmacy (Duquesne) (2+4)
- Chinese (CHIN)
- Citizenship and Social Problems
- Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Civil Engineering (CIVL)
- Classification of Students (Undergraduate)
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Master of Arts (MA)
- Clinical Mental Health, Endorsement
- Cognitive Science, Minor
- College of Business
- College of Business
- College of Education
- College of Education
- College of Engineering and Science
- College of Engineering and Science
- College of Health Professions
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Liberal Arts
- Communication - Graphic Design, Minor (Art Majors Only)
- Communicative Language Teaching, Certificate
- Comparative Politics/International Relations, Minor
- Comprehensive Examinations (Graduate)
- Computer Science
- Computer Science
- Computer Science (CPSC)
- Computer Science (CPSC)
- Computing, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Computer Science
- Computing, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Computer Science with Concentration in Bioinformatics
- Computing, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Computing Analytics
- Computing, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Information Technology
- Computing, Minor
- Conservation, Technology and Imagination
- Construction Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Corporate Security, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Fraud
- Corporate Security, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Organizational Security
- Corporate Security (CSS)
- Corporate Security (CSS)
- Counseling and Development
- Counseling & Development (CDEV)
- Counseling & Development (CDEV)
- Course Descriptions
- Course Descriptions
- Course Drop, Add, Withdrawal
- Course Information (Graduate)
- Course Levels
- Creative Writing and Book Arts, Certificate
- Credit By Examination (Undergraduate)
- Credit For Military Service (Undergraduate)
- Credit Hour
- Criminal Justice and Spanish Cultural & Language Competency, Certificate
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Criminology and Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Criminology and Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Community Corrections
- Criminology & Criminal Justice (CRIM)
- Criminology & Criminal Justice (CRIM)
- Criminology, Minor
- Cultural Literacy and Community Building
- Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Music Education, Certificate
- Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Music Education, Certificate
- Cybersecurity, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Secure Software Development
- Cybersecurity, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Security Governance
- Cybersecurity (CYBR)
- Cybersecurity, Minor
- Dance
- Dance, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Dance, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Dance Entrepreneurship
- Dance, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in Performance and Choreography
- Dance (DANC)
- Dance: Pedagogy, Minor
- Dance: Performance, Minor
- Data Analytics, Certificate
- Data Analytics, Master of Science (MS)
- Data Science, Certificate
- Dean of Students Office, Accessibility/Disability Services
- Dean of Students Office, Accessibility/Disability Services
- Dean's List (Undergraduate)
- Degree/Certificate Requirements
- Digital Health Leadership, Certificate
- Dining Services
- Dining Services
- Dissertation (Graduate)
- Diversity and Inclusion, Certificate
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)
- Early Childhood Education, Minor
- Early Childhood Education (PK-4), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Early Childhood Education (PK-4), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) - Concentration in International Education
- Early Childhood Education (PK-4)/Special Education (PK-12), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Early Childhood Education (PK-4)/Special Education (PK-12), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) - Concentration in International Education
- Earning 2 Degrees or 2 Majors (Undergraduate)
- Economics, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
- Economics (ECON)
- Economics (ECON)
- Economics, Minor (BSBA Majors Only)
- Economics, Minor (Non BSBA Majors)
- Educational Leadership and Administration, Doctor of Education (EDd) - Concentration in Administrative Studies and Policies
- Educational Leadership and Administration, Doctor of Education (EDd) - Concentration in Higher Education Leadership
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Elementary Education/Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education/Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education/Early Childhood (ELEC)
- Elementary Education/Early Childhood (ELEC)
- Elementary Education: K-8 Math and Science, Master of Education (MEd)
- Elementary School Mathematics, Minor
- Engineering
- Engineering (ENGR)
- ENGL 598-: The Postcolonial Feminist Novel
- English
- English
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- English (ENGL)
- English (ENGL)
- English Literature, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Language and Literature
- English Literature, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Literary, Film, and Cultural Studies
- English, Master of Arts (MA)
- English Writing, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Creative Writing
- English Writing, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Professional Writing
- Enrollment Status
- Environmental Communication and Heritage Interpretation, Minor
- Environmental Education, Master of Education (MEd)
- Environmental Geoscience, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Environmental Geoscience, Bachelor of Science (BA) / Pre-Master of Education
- Environmental Geoscience, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Environmental Science
- Environmental Geoscience, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Geology
- Environmental Geoscience (EGEO)
- Environmental Geoscience (EGEO)
- Environmental Geosciences
- Environmental Science (ENVS)
- Environmental Science, Minor
- Environmental Studies, Minor
- Esports, Minor
- Ethics, Minor
- European History, Minor
- Exercise Science
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Athletic Training (SRU) (3+2)
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Athletic Training (SRU) (Traditional)
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Chiropractic (Logan) (3+3)
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (3+2)
- Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (Traditional)
- Exercise Science (EXSC)
- Exploratory Studies and Academic Progress (ESAP)
- Exploratory Studies and Academic Progress (ESAP)
- Gender Studies
- Gender Studies (GNDR)
- Gender Studies, Minor
- General Education Requirements (Undergraduate)
- General History, Minor
- Geographic Information Science, Certificate
- Geographic Information Technology, Minor
- Geography, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Applied Geographic Technology
- Geography, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Environmental Studies & Sustainability
- Geography, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Global Studies
- Geography/Environmental Studies (GES)
- Geography/Environmental Studies (GES)
- Geology, Minor
- Geophysics, Minor
- German (GERM)
- Gerontology (GERO)
- Gerontology (GERO)
- Gerontology, Minor
- Gifted Education, Endorsement
- Global and Intercultural Communication, Certificate
- Global Education, Minor
- Global Engagement
- Global Engagement
- Global Learning and Cultural Competence - Japanese Studies, Certificate
- Global Learning and Cultural Competence - Professional Spanish, Certificate
- Grade Appeal
- Grade Change
- Grade Release
- Grading Procedures and Policies
- Grading System
- Graduate
- Graduate Academic Programs and Units
- Graduate Academic Programs and Units
- Graduate Admission
- Graduate Programs
- Graduation Requirements
- Grants and Sponsored Research
- Grants and Sponsored Research
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Financial Management
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Information Systems
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership - Online
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (3+2)
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (Traditional)
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Legal Environment
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Long-Term Care
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Marketing and Sales
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Medical Device Sales
- HCAM, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Quality and Risk Management
- HCAM, Minor
- Health and Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) - Concentration in Physical Activity and Fitness Management
- Health and Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) - Concentration in Physical Activity and Fitness Management / Pre-Athletic Training (SRU) (3+2)
- Health and Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) - Concentration in Physical Activity and Fitness Management / Pre-Athletic Training (SRU) (Traditional)
- Health and Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) - Concentration in Physical Activity and Fitness Management / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- Health and Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) - Concentration in Physical Activity and Fitness Management / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- Health and Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) - Concentration in School Wellness Education
- Healthcare Administration and Management
- Health Care Administration & Management (HCAM)
- Health Informatics and Information Management, Master of Science (MS)
- Health Informatics, Certificate
- Health Informatics, Minor
- Health Information Management (HIM)
- Health Professions
- Health Science - Public Health, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Health Science - Public Health, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- Health Science - Public Health, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- Health Science - Public Health, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- Health Science - Public Health, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- Health Science - Public Health, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (3+2)
- Health Science - Public Health, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (Traditional)
- Health Science-Public Health (HLTH)
- Health Science-Public Health (HLTH)
- Health Service Administration (HSA)
- Hispanic Serving Non-Profit Organizations, Certificate
- History
- History
- History, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- History (HIST)
- History (HIST)
- History, Master of Arts (MA)
- Homeland Security and Corporate Security
- Homeland Security, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Homeland Security, Certificate
- Homeland Security (HSS)
- Homeland Security, Minor
- Honors at Graduation
- Honors College
- Honors (HONR)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Hospitality, Event Management & Tourism (HEMT)
- Hospitality, Event Management & Tourism (HEMT)
- Hospitality Management, Certificate
- Housing and Residence Life
- Housing and Residence Life
- Human Diversity and Well-Being
- Humanities and Health, Certificate
- Human Resource Management, Minor (BSBA and HCAM Majors)
- Human Resource Management, Minor (Non-BSBA Majors)
- ID Office
- ID Office
- Inclusive Excellence
- Inclusive Excellence
- Incomplete Grades
- Industrial and Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE)
- Information Systems, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Information Systems, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Information Systems, Minor
- Institutions and Human Innovation
- Instructional Coaching: Literacy, Endorsement
- Instructional Method
- Interdisciplinary Programs
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Anthropology
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Cognitive Science
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Cultural Area Studies
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Gender and Diversity Studies
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership Studies
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Leadership Studies - Online Degree Completion Program
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Liberal Arts
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Liberal Arts - Online Degree Completion Program
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Management
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Management - Online Degree Completion Program
- Interdisciplinary Programs, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Sociology
- Interdisciplinary Programs (INDP)
- International Affairs, Minor
- International Students
- Internships (Undergraduate)
- Italian (ITAL)
- Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) - Concentration in General Management
- Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) - Concentration in Human Resources
- Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) - Concentration in Supply Chain Management
- Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) - Online Degree Completion Program
- Management Information Systems (MIS)
- Management Information Systems (MIS)
- Management (MGMT)
- Management (MGMT)
- Management, Minor (BSBA majors)
- Managing Nonprofit Organizations Serving the LGBTQIA+ Community, Certificate
- Marine Science (MARS)
- Marine Science (MARS)
- Marine Science, Minor
- Marketing, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
- Marketing, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) – Online Degree Completion Program
- Marketing, Minor
- Marketing (MRKT)
- Marketing (MRKT)
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mathematics, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Actuarial Science
- Mathematics, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Mathematical Science
- Mathematics, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Secondary Education
- Mathematics, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Statistics
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics, Minor
- Math Placement (Undergraduate)
- Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
- Meteorology, Minor
- Middle Eastern Studies, Certificate
- Middle Level Education, Minor
- Middle-Level English/Language Arts (4-8), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Middle-Level Math (4-8), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Middle-Level Science (4-8), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Middle-Level Social Studies (4-8), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Middle School Mathematics, Minor
- Military Absence
- Military Science (Army ROTC)
- Military Science (Army ROTC) (MS)
- Military Withdrawal
- Minimum Credit Hour and Quality Point Requirements (Undergraduate)
- /miscadmin/workflow.html
- Modern Language Language for BA Degree (Undergraduate)
- Modern Languages
- Modern Languages
- Modern Languages and Cultures, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Cultural Area Studies
- Modern Languages and Cultures, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in French
- Modern Languages and Cultures, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Professional French
- Modern Languages and Cultures, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Spanish
- Modern Languages and Cultures, Bachelor or Arts (BA) - Concentration in Professional Spanish
- Modern Languages (MODL)
- Modern Languages (MODL)
- MUSI 598-: Introduction to Narrative Practice for Music Therapists
- Music
- Music
- Musical Organizations
- Musical Organizations
- Music and Wellness, Minor
- Music, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Music Education: Early Childhood, Minor
- Music Education: Marching Arts, Minor
- Music Education, Minor
- Music Education (PreK-12), Bachelor of Music (BM)
- Music Education: Vocal Music, Minor
- Music History, Minor
- Music, Minor
- Music (MUSI)
- Music (MUSI)
- Music Performance, Bachelor of Music (BM)
- Music Therapy, Bachelor of Music (BM)
- Music Therapy, Master of Music Therapy (MMT)
- Park and Resource Management Online, Master of Science (MS)
- Parking Office
- Parking Office
- Park & Resource Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Parks and Resource Management
- Parks and Resource Management
- Parks & Conservation (PCRM)
- Parks & Conservation (PCRM)
- Parks & Recreation (PREE)
- Parks & Recreation (PREE)
- Pass-No Credit Grades (Undergraduate)
- Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Petroleum/Natural Gas Engineering (PNGE)
- Philanthropy and Non-Profit Management, Certificate
- Philanthropy and Nonprofit Management, Minor
- Philanthropy, Nonprofit Leadership, and Public Administration (NLPA)
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Career-Related
- Philosophy, Minor
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical and Health Education
- Physical and Health Education
- Physical and Health Education (PE)
- Physical and Health Education (PE)
- Physical Education - Coaching, Minor
- Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy, Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Physical Therapy (PHTH)
- Physician Assistant Studies
- Physician Assistant Studies, Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS)
- Physician Assistant Studies (PA)
- Physics
- Physics, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Physics, Bachelor of Arts (BA) / Pre-Engineering (Pitt) (3+2)
- Physics, Bachelor of Arts (BA) / Pre-Engineering Technology (YSU) (3+2)
- Physics, Bachelor of Arts (BA) / Pre-Engineering (WVU) (3+2)
- Physics, Bachelor of Arts (BA) / Pre-Engineering (YSU) (3+2)
- Physics, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Pre-Master of Education (7-12)
- Physics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Physics, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Computational Biophysics
- Physics, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Computational Physics
- Physics, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Pre-Master of Education (7-12)
- Physics, Minor
- Physics (PHYS)
- PK-12 Principal Certification, Certificate
- Political Science
- Political Science, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in General Political Science
- Political Science, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in International Politics
- Political Science, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Law and Politics
- Political Science, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Professional Politics
- Political Science, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Public Policy
- Political Science, Minor
- Political Science (POLS)
- Post-Baccalaureate Students
- Posthumous Conferral of Degree
- Prerequisites and Co-Requisites
- Preschool Child Care Center
- Preschool Child Care Center
- President's Commissions
- President's Commissions
- Pride Center
- Pride Center
- Professional French, Minor
- Professional Japanese, Minor
- Professional Spanish, Minor
- Psychology
- Psychology, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Developmental
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Neuroscience
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Neuroscience / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (Traditional)
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Counseling Psychology w/Chatham University (MSCP), Accelerated
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Counseling (SRU) (3+3)
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physician Assistant (SRU) (3+2)
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Student Affairs (SRU) (3+2)
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Psychology w/ Chatham University (MAP), Accelerated
- Psychology, Minor
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Publications
- Publications
- Public Health
- Public Health
- Public Health, Master of Public Health (MPH)
- Public Health, Minor
- Radio and Television
- Radio and Television
- REACH Experiential & Adventure Education Program
- REACH Experiential & Adventure Education Program
- Reading Specialist, Certification
- Reading with K-12 Reading Specialist and Instructional Coaching: Literacy Endorsement, Master of Education (MEd)
- Reading with K-12 Reading Specialist, Master of Education (MEd)
- Readmission
- Records Privacy
- Recreational Therapy
- Recreational Therapy, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Recreational Therapy, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- Recreational Therapy, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- Recreational Therapy, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (3+3)
- Recreational Therapy, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Physical Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)
- Recreational Therapy, Minor
- Recreational Therapy (RCTH)
- Recreation Therapy (RCTH)
- Re-Entry Nonprofit Organization, Certificate
- Registration Procedures
- Repeat of Courses
- Research Requirements (Graduate)
- Residency
- Rock Integrated Studies 2 Program
- Rock Studies 2 Program
- Russian (RUSS)
- Safety Management
- Safety Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Safety Management (SAFE)
- School Counseling, Endorsement
- School Counseling, Master of Education (MEd)
- School Nurse, Certification
- School of Business
- School of Business
- Science (SCI)
- Search Courses
- Secondary Education - English (7-12), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Secondary Education/Foundations Education (SEFE)
- Secondary Education/Foundations Education (SEFE)
- Secondary Education/Foundations of Education
- Secondary Education/Foundations of Education
- Secondary Education - Social Studies - History (7-12), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Secondary Education - Spanish (K-12), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Secondary School Mathematics, Minor
- Second Degree
- Semester Credit Load (Undergraduate)
- Senior Citizens
- Senior Undergraduate Students Earning Graduate Credit (Undergraduate)
- Social Work
- Social Work
- Social Work - Advanced Standing, Master of Social Work (MSW)
- Social Work - Advanced Standing Online, Master of Social Work (MSW)
- Social Work, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Social Work Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Certificate
- Social Work, Master of Social Work (MSW)
- Social Work, Minor
- Social Work Online, Master of Social Work (MSW)
- Social Work (SOWK)
- Social Work (SOWK)
- Sociology, Minor
- Spanish Language & Cultural Awareness for Healthcare, Certificate
- Spanish, Minor
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Special Education
- Special Education
- Special Education Applied Behavior Analysis, Post-Master's Certification
- Special Education Autism, Endorsement
- Special Education, Doctor in Education (EdD)
- Special Education (K-12), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)
- Special Education, Master of Education (MEd) - Concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Special Education, Master of Education (MEd) - Concentration in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Special Education, Master of Education (MEd) - Concentration in PK-12
- Special Education, Master of Education (MEd) - Concentration in School Supervision
- Special Education, Minor
- Special Education School Supervision, Post-Master's Certification
- Special Education (SPED)
- Special Education (SPED)
- Special Education Transition Programming, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Special Recognition of Academic Achievement
- Sport Management
- Sport Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Sport Management, Minor
- Sport Management (SPMT)
- Sport Management (SPMT)
- Statistics, Minor
- Statistics (STAT)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Statute of Limitations (Graduate)
- Strategic Communication and Media
- Strategic Communication and Media, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Strategic Communication and Media, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Advertising
- Strategic Communication and Media, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Digital Media Production
- Strategic Communication and Media, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Health Communication
- Strategic Communication and Media, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Integrated Marketing Communication
- Strategic Communication and Media, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Multimedia Journalism
- Strategic Communication and Media, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Public Relations
- Strategic Communication and Media (COMM)
- Strategic Communication and Media (COMM)
- Strategic Communication and Media, Minor
- Student Affairs in Higher Education, Endorsement
- Student Affairs in Higher Education, Master of Arts (MA)
- Student Affairs in Higher Education with College Counseling, Master of Arts (MA)
- Student Center and Conference Services
- Student Center and Conference Services
- Student Conduct
- Student Conduct
- Student Counseling Center
- Student Counseling Center
- Student Engagement and Leadership
- Student Engagement and Leadership
- Student Health Services
- Student Health Services
- Student Identity Verification in Distance Learning
- Student Responsibility
- Student Right-To-Know and the Clery Act
- Student Support
- Student Support
- Success Coaching
- Summer and Winter Sessions
- Sustainability, Certificate
- Sustainable Management, Minor (BSBA majors only)
- Teaching English, Master of Education (MEd) - Advanced Concentration
- Teaching English, Master of Education (MEd) - Basic Concentration Leading to Certification
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Certificate
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Master of Arts (MA)
- Teaching History, Master of Education (MEd) - Advanced Concentration
- Teaching History, Master of Education (MEd) - Basic Concentration Leading to Certification
- Teaching Math/Science with STEM, Master of Education (MEd) - Advanced Concentration
- Teaching Math/Science with STEM, Master of Education (MEd) - Basic Concentration Leading to Certification
- Teaching Online, Certificate
- Technology for Online Instruction, Master of Education (MEd)
- Theatre
- Theatre Arts Management, Certificate
- Theatre, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Acting
- Theatre, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Design & Technology
- Theatre, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Theatre Arts Management
- Theatre, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Concentration in Theatre Studies
- Theatre, Minor
- Theatre Productions
- Theatre Productions
- Theatre (THEA)
- The Rock/Basic Course Requirements (Undergraduate)
- Theses (Graduate)
- The United States in Global Context
- The University
- The University
- /topicadmin/workflow.html
- Total Semester Hours of Credit and GPA (Graduate)
- Transcripts
- Transfer Credit
- Transfer Students
- Transient Students
- Transient Student Status (Undergraduate)
- Tuition, Fees, & Financial Policies
- Tuition, Fees, & Financial Policies