Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Transfer Credit


  • In accordance with the PA State System of Higher Education Board of Governors Policy 1999-01-A: The Transfer Student Policy, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania strives to transfer college credit in a student-centered, fair, consistent, flexible manner, while maintaining the academic integrity of the university and its curricula.
  • The acceptance or denial of transfer credit is not determined exclusively based on the accreditation of the sending institution or the mode of delivery. However, in some cases, programmatic accreditation at the higher education level is expected of the transfer institution.
  • Courses, programs, and occupational experiences for military-related learning are evaluated based on their learning outcomes, using valid evaluation measures, including the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE), a third-party review conducted by appropriately qualified reviewers and their recommendations.
  • Courses and programs evaluated and recommended for transfer credit by the NCCRS (National College Credit Recommendation Service) will be considered for transfer in concert with the academic departments.
  • SRU does not limit the number of credits a student may transfer to the University; however, students must complete all university graduation requirements.
  • SRU will consider all non-developmental transfer credits for which a letter grade of "D-" or greater was earned.
  • SRU converts Quarter Hour credits to Semester Hour credits by multiplying the Quarter Hours by .666. Resulting credit hours valued as a fraction or percentage, 2.33, 2.5, etc., may be used to meet requirements. However, students must still earn a total of 42 credits of Rock Studies Requirements to meet all university graduation requirements.
  • All questions and appeals regarding the transfer of credits to Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania should be directed to the Transfer Admissions area of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. There, questions are reviewed by the University’s official credit evaluators and, if needed, are reviewed in consult with the chairperson of the academic department associated with the course. If a course syllabus is needed to further investigate the student’s appeal, it is the responsibility of the student to provide this information. The Transfer Admissions office strives to respond to the student with a final determination within 10-14 days of receipt of the appeal/receipt of the syllabus.


Graduate students requesting graduate transfer credit must complete the Graduate Student Transfer Credit Form and submit to the Graduate Admissions Office with official graduate transcripts. Acceptance or denial of transfer credit is not determined exclusively on the basis of the accreditation of the sending institution or the delivery method of the course(s), but is based on how well the course matches and aligns with the current curriculum of the graduate program in which the student is enrolled and with faculty approval. At times, faculty may request a syllabus to be submitted for the course the student is transferring.

A maximum of one-third or 12 semester graduate credit (course) hours (whichever is met first) of the of the program’s required total credit hours may be transferred to Slippery Rock University. For example, in a 30 credit hour graduate program, no more than 10 credits may transfer. These credits must carry at least a “B” grade, and be approved by the appropriate graduate program coordinator and the Director of Graduate Admissions. Those grades received for courses other than Slippery Rock University’s will be recorded but will not be included in the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Credits earned in extension courses and in off-campus centers of other institutions will be reviewed for acceptance. Transfer of credits from other institutions will be recommended by the graduate coordinator and be approved/disapproved by the Director of Graduate Admissions. No more than six semester hours shall be transferred from another institution if taken after a student has been admitted to a graduate program at Slippery Rock University.

Appeals of transfer credit evaluation must be made in writing to the Graduate Coordinator for review by the Graduate Coordinator and the Director of Graduate Admissions.

The Graduate Transfer of Credit Policy is reviewed annually by the Graduate Council.