Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Incomplete Grades

At the discretion of the instructor, a grade of incomplete (I) may be given to a student who demonstrates it is not possible to complete the requirements of a course due to circumstances beyond the student’s control or not reasonably foreseeable.  The incomplete grade is not an alternative to a grade of F.

Incomplete grades may be awarded under the following circumstances:

  • The student must be passing a course at the time an incomplete is requested unless the instructor determines extenuating circumstances justify assigning an incomplete grade to a student who is not passing the course;
  • The student must request an incomplete grade and should do so before final grades for the term are submitted;
  • The instructor may only assign an incomplete grade if the missing work will be completed, submitted, and graded within one year.

Other provisions:

  • An incomplete grade may not be assigned to a student who did not attend the course, or has accumulated excessive absences.  Failure to complete the class or properly withdraw from the class is noted as a grade of F or a grade of X;
  • The instructor may not assign an incomplete grade if the student would receive a failing grade in the course even if the missing work is completed, submitted, and graded.  The completion of missing work does not guarantee a passing grade;
  • Incomplete grades must be completed within 12 months; however, faculty reserve the right to set any shorter deadline for the completion of the incomplete work.   Requests for extensions of incomplete grades beyond 12 months must be submitted by the faculty member and approved by the dean of the college in which the course was offered;
  • If a faculty member does not submit a grade change form within 12 months, regardless of whether or not the student attends the university, the grade will automatically convert to a grade of F;
  • After successful completion of the makeup requirements, incomplete grades will be changed by the instructor of record or the department chair (in absence of the instructor of record) via a grade change form;
  • Students may not register for the same class in which they have an incomplete.  A grade must be assigned if the student wants to register for this class;
  • Students will not be permitted to graduate with an incomplete grade on their record.

Note: Incomplete dissertation (ID) and incomplete thesis (IT) do not automatically convert to an "F".