Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Counseling & Development (CDEV)

CDEV 525 -  Addiction and Recovery  

This course is an introduction to the field of addiction. Traditional chemical addictions as well as food, sex, and gambling addiction are covered in terms of etiology, definition, measurement, classification, intervention, and treatment approaches. Special attention is given to the history and evolution of twelve step programs as well as alternative approaches to treatment and the recovery process.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Graduate, Junior 1, Junior 2, Senior 1 or Senior 2.

CDEV 531 -  Teaching Through Distance Education in Higher Education  

This course concentrates on students within higher education and how to best teach them as they progress through developmental learning paths while teaching them in online formats. It will focus on not only teaching and learning theories, but also on higher education student characteristics and course development and assessment strategies that are appropriate for online learning environments.

Prerequisites: PE 302C or PE 502C
C Requires minimum grade of C.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Graduate or Post Baccalaureate.

CDEV 590 -  Experimental  

A unique and specifically focused course within the general purview of a department which intends to offer it on a "one time only" basis and not as a permanent part of the department's curriculum.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Graduate.

CDEV 595 -  Workshops  

Special topics of interest to graduates, upper level undergraduates and selected community members. A workshop is a program which is usually of short duration, narrow in scope, often non-traditional in content and format, and on a timely topic.

Credits: 1-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Graduate or Post Baccalaureate.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 598 -  Selected Topics  

A Selected Topics course is a normal, departmental offering which is directly related to the discipline, but because of its specialized nature, may not be able to be offered on a yearly basis by the department.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Graduate or Post Baccalaureate.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 602 -  Introduction to Student Affairs and College Counseling  

An introduction and overview of student affairs educators' work, including but not limited to history, philosophy, values, ethical standards, professional organizations and other central knowledge bases for the field. The course will also provide an introduction and overview of college and university functions, roles and settings and central knowledge bases for student affairs educators.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 603 -  Career Development and Counseling  

A study of trends in the world of work, including the relationship between career development and other important life roles and factors. Theories of career development and related counseling theories, sources and uses of career information, methods of career assessment and counseling and approaches to career education are covered. Emphasis is placed upon developing skills for assisting individuals and groups - elementary school through adulthood - in career development and planning.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 607 -  Contextual Dimensions of Diagnosis  

Developmental, systemic and constructivist models of problem formation are linked to medical/neurobiological explanations of how people adapt to environmental and community demands. The influences of family, social, community and cultural systems are included in case conceptualization and treatment planning. Diagnostic procedures and differential diagnosis are taught within the current classification (DSM) system with emphasis on use, misuse and legal/ethical implications. Case conceptualization is taught according to current professional research on counseling and developmental theories. Research that explores the effects of biopsychosocial and multicultural influences on the emergence and/or maintenance of abnormal functioning is also reviewed.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 608 -  Ethical and Legal Issues in Student Affairs  

An examination of ethical and legal considerations relevant to student affairs professionals and college counselors working in a higher education context. the course focuses on understanding and applying ethical principles and professional standards, as well as the law and legal precedent to complex situations and decisions. The relationships and distinctions between professional ethics and legal requirements also explored.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 610 -  Lifespan Development  

The study of human development and developmental processes across the lifespan with particular emphasis on developmental theories, research and applications that have relevance to counseling and student affairs.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 611 -  Family Counseling  

This course provides community and school counselors with a presentation of family systems theory in education, consultation, and counseling with families in both school and agency settings. The course explores the theoretical and historical foundations of family systems theory and the family life cycle, and examines the predominant systems approaches for promoting change. Students will develop a personal family counseling style to facilitate systemic change.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 612 -  Group Counseling  

This course is a study of the theories, techniques, dynamics and process of group counseling. The course includes both didactic and experiential components. Special attention is give to the development of awareness of the group experience via participation as a member in a small growth group.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 613 -  Introduction to School Counseling  

This course studies the philosophy and rationale which underlie the American School Counselor Association''s (ASCA) National Model and the Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance Model, both of which advocate for school counseling programs that provide comprehensive services to address the academic, career and social/emotional developmental needs of all students. This course examines the history, objectives, organization and current issues which impact the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of these models as well as the personal qualities, skills and aptitudes of an effective school counselor.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 614 -  Helping Relationships  

This course focuses on the process, development and acquisition of those basic counseling skills including but not limited to attending, active listening and inquiring. It is recommended that this course be taken in the beginning of the student's program of study. Requirements include role-play and videotaped practice/presentation of counseling skills.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 615 -  Introduction to Counseling  

This course provides a basic overview and professional orientation covering the basic tenets of the counseling profession. It addresses the history and philosophy of counseling. Professional roles, functions, responsibilities and legal/ethical issues are explored across a variety of counseling disciplines including Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling. Related professional organizations are addressed including the philosophy, mission, accreditation and ethical standards of these organizations. Differing work settings for counselors, the personal qualities, skills and aptitudes of an effective counselor, and the credentialing processes including certification and licensure are explored.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 616 -  College Student Development  

College Student Development This course involves the study of human development with specific attention to college age populations (i.e., young adults and adults) across a variety of developmental domains including intellectual, personality, social, emotional, and moral. How development may be affected within and the college will also examine context. The course is particularly aimed at those interested in college student personnel work concerned with better understanding students' developmental processes as well as exploring how campus environments might be designed to help facilitate learning and development.

Prerequisite: CDEV 610C
C Requires minimum grade of C.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 617 -  Advanced Adult Counseling  

This course will cover a representative sampling of counseling models and techniques commonly used with adults. the theoretical, where appropriate evidence and scientific bases will be covered in conjunction with an approach that emphasizes the varied nature of the presenting problems that today's mental health client present. An emphasis is placed on preparing students to begin fieldwork through closely supervised practice.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 618 -  Foundations of Youth  

This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the systems involved in behavioral and emotional disorders of childhood and adolescence. Systems reviewed include family, ecological, developmental, constructivist and medical (DSM) models. The course focuses on analysis of each classification system with respect to symptoms, etiology, response to treatment and prognosis of each disorder, as well as associated biological, personal and social characteristics.

Prerequisite: CDEV 610C
C Requires minimum grade of C.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 619 -  Foundations of Adulthood  

This course provides a theoretical foundation for working with adults. It provides for an in-depth investigation of models of human development and change across a variety of domains such as cognitive, personality, social, emotional and moral. the course is particularly aimed at the process of change and how this impacts the process of counseling. the course is grounded in a constructive developmental and social constructionsist epistemology.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 620 -  Management in Higher Education  

The course deals with the principles, practices, and issues in the management of higher education.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 621 -  Social and Cultural Diversity  

This course is designed to provide master's level students in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Student Affairs and College counseling programs with an understanding of the cultural context of relationships, issues and trends in a multicultural society. Students will develop intercultural sensitivity and competence through self-awareness, awareness of cultural differences, and an understanding of the impact of prejudice, discrimination and oppression on helping professionals and the diverse populations they serve. Cultural differences in ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender and ability level are included. Students will also examine developmental frameworks which assist with individual, family and group work, program evaluation, advocacy and consultation.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 622 -  Behavior Modification  

A presentation of basic psychological principles governing human behavior within the framework of social learning, with special attention given to the principles of operant conditioning, contingency management, and imitative learning.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 623 -  Higher Education Environments, Cultures, and Students  

Students will develop an understanding of the influence of university environments, cultures and student cultures on higher education. Emphasis is placed on the origins and assumptions of U.S. higher education, the impact of institutional contexts on students and the needs of different student subcultures.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 624 -  Foundations of Aging  

This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the process of aging, theoretical perspectives and challenges and opportunities experienced both internally and externally by older adults in a multicultural society. The influences of family, social, community and governmental systems are included in understanding the complexities of the aging process. A wellness orientation is emphasized to enhance the well-being of older persons within the therapeutic counseling relationship.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 625 -  Assessment in Student Affairs  

This course introduces the student to purposes, principles and fundamentals of assessment in student affairs administration within the context of higher education for decision making and institutional improvement.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 627 -  Practicum in Group Leadership  

Supervised fieldwork intended to engage students in supervised group and psychoeducational experiences across a variety of counseling and/or student affair professional activities in an approved college counseling setting. Application of group and skills in a college setting is a central focus. Students meet weekly (2.5 hours per week) over 5 weeks for supervision with their university supervisor. Live observation of sessions is required. Proof of liability insurance and appropriate clearances (criminal & child abuse) is required

Prerequisite: CDEV 612C
C Requires minimum grade of C.

Corequisite(s): CDEV 603

Credits: 1

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to students with a program in Clinical Mental Hlth Counselng, Student Affairs In Higher Educ or Student Affair withCol Counsel.
Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 628 -  Ethics in Counseling  

This course will explore ethical philosophy, principles and professional standards as they relate to working in the field of professional counseling. A case study approach will be utilized to help students reflect upon, discuss and conceptualize how ethical issues and considerations affect the work helping professionals engage in with clients. A central goal of the course is to assist students in the process of constructing their own coherent ethical guidelines as informed by relevant ehtical philosophy and principles, and consistent with accepted standards and ethical codes of the counseling profession.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 629 -  Helping Relationships in Music Therapy  

This course focuses on the process, development, and acquisition of basic helping skills used in the practice of music therapy including but not limited to attending, active listening and inquiring. Attention will be paid to how these skills are used in conjunction with advanced skills unique to music therapy and contribute to the change process in music therapy theory and clinical practice. Requirements include role-play and videotaped practice/presentation of counseling skills.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Summer Terms

Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Graduate.
Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music Therapy degree.

CDEV 631 -  College Student Learning and Development 1  

This course involves the study of human learning and development with specific attention to college age populations (i.e., young adults and adults) across the domains of epistemological/cognitive, moral/ethical, and spiritual development. How learning and development in these domains may be affected within and by the college context will be examined. The course is aims at those interested in better understanding college students' developmental processes, particularly those interested in student affairs and college counseling practice. A central focus is on exploring how campus environments might be designed and student services delivered to help facilitate learning and development.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 632 -  College Student Learning and Development 2  

This course involves the study of human learning and development with specific attention to college age populations (i.e., young adults and adults) across the domains of identity, self/ego and psychosocial development. How learning and development in these domains may be affected within and by the college context will be examined. The course is aimed at those interested in better understanding college students' developmental processes, particularly those interested in student affairs and college counseling practice. A central focus is on exploring how campus environments might be designed and student services delivered to help facilitate learning and development.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 633 -  Career and Lifestyle Development for Music Therapy  

A study of career counseling theories, interventions, and developmental models relevant to the practice of Music Therapy. Emphasis is placed on developing skills to help clients identify and discover meaningful career paths with a focus on holistic intrapersonal development through music. Group and individual approaches to career counseling and planning from elementary school through adulthood will be covered in this course.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Summer Terms

Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Graduate.
Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music Therapy degree.

CDEV 634 -  Counseling the Aging  

This course is designed to enhance student knowledge of unique considerations in counseling older adults and demonstration of the principles, strategies and competencies in working with this population. Counselor attributes which facilitate the therapeutic encounter will be explored. Demonstration of case conceptualization, diagnosis, treatment, referral and prevention of mental and emotional disorders is emphasized. Evidence-based practices and current research is also applied within the practice of clinical mental health counseling.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 635 -  Lifespan Development for Music Therapy  

The study of human developmental processes and models across the lifespan relevant to the practice of Music Therapy. Emphasis is placed on developmental theories, research, and applications that have relevance to intra- and inter-personal development through music.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Summer Terms

Enrollment is limited to students with a program in Counseling for MMT.
Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music Therapy degree.
Enrollment limited to students in the College of Liberal Arts college.

CDEV 636 -  Advanced Addictions Counseling  

In-depth understanding of addiction via supervised experiential learning. Special attention is given to implementation of multicultural competencies to the addiction counseling process, interviewing skills, counselor characteristics/self-awareness and evidence based treatment approaches.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 637 -  Group Counseling for Music Therapists  

A study of group counseling theories. techniques, dynamics, and processes relevant to the practice of Music Therapy. This course blends didactic instruction through online learning activities and connects to experiential learning through students being part of a personal growth group.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Summer Terms

Enrollment is limited to students with a program in Counseling for MMT.
Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music Therapy degree.
Enrollment limited to students in the College of Liberal Arts college.

CDEV 638 -  Foundations of College Counseling  

This course provides a bridge into the world of college counseling. This transition provides an orientation to the profession including history, roles, organizational structures, ethics, standards and credentialing. It also serves as a pre-practicum experience focusing on skill development in experiential activities.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 639 -  Students in American Higher Education  

This course is an in-depth study of the characteristics and needs of American college students and how such attributes influence student educational and developmental needs. Students in the course will gain an understanding of how student learning and learning opportunities are influenced by student characteristics by analyzing subcultures within the student population while assessing barriers and obstacles to student success. Students in this class will also gain an understanding of the specific needs and services that enhance retention and persistence to graduation on a college campus.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 640 -  Neurophysiological Basis of Behavior  

Study of how the structure and function of the brain relates to psychological processes such as learning, memory, language, motivation and emotion. Emphasis is given to neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and brain-behavior relationships.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 642 -  Leadership and Managing Change in Student Affairs  

Students will explore theories of leadership and consider their role in creating and managing change in higher education. A case study approach will allow students to apply these theories to several functional areas.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 643 -  Organizational Behavior & Leadership in Higher Education  

This course is centered on the study of human behavior and focuses on understanding how people and groups in higher education function, behave, react and make meaning of events. the course provides grounding in theory that explains how higher education systems and structures shape behavior. It provides a foundation for understanding how individuals, teams, organizations function and how leadership lenses shape behavior.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 644 -  Advanced Counseling Theory and Practice  

This course is designed to provide opportunities for students to explore and integrate developmental models and advanced counseling theories. Students will have the opportunity to explore theoretical perspectives in an in-depth manner. The focus will be on using theories in a complex way to explain human behavior and difficulties.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 645 -  Administrative Leadership in Higher Education  

Colleges and universities are unique and complex institutions with specialized missions of education ad provision of student services with multiple constituencies. This course focuses on leadership and administrative practices within the context of higher education organizations. Emphasis will be placed on supervision of personnel, management of resources, and professional identity.

Credits: 3

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 646 -  Student Affairs Capstone  

This course is designed as a culminating experience to provide opportunities for students to consider, reflect upon, and apply academic and related learning from their program to the practice of Student Affairs work. Students are engaged in producing and presenting a theoretical analysis and resolution of a professional case, considering current issues in the field of Student Affairs and Higher Education, reflecting on the challenges involved in transitioning from graduate school to professional work, and assessing their developing competencies in relation to professional standards.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment limited to students in the MA 9439 or MA 9440 programs.
Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students in the College of Education college.

CDEV 647 -  Managing Conflict and Crises in Higher Education  

Higher education professionals are expected to respond to a variety of critical incidents that can occur on and off campus. The course serves as an introduction to managing conflict and crisis in American higher education. Students will explore the nature of conflict and acquire skills for effective mediation. Students will develop the skills to plan ahead, as well as respond when crises arise. The focus on managing critical incidents will concentrate on the planning, prevention, response, and recovery that institutions and their leaders can undertake.

Credits: 3

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 665 -  Psychopathology and Aging  

This course is intended to familiarize the student with the mental health status of older persons, the principal psychological problems experienced by them, and how their problem might be cured, alleviated, or prevented.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 670 -  Counseling Theory  

This course provides an overview of current theories commonly used in counseling and consultation. The emphasis is on understanding and utilizing theory as a framework for the construction of further knowledge and practice. Students are provided a foundation for consultation, case conceptualization and treatment planning.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 680 -  Assessment in Counseling  

This course is a study of the basic principles of assessment in counseling and education. Students will learn various forms of formal and informal assessment methods. Individual and comprehensive trends in academic, behavioral, socio-emotional and career development and performance are covered, as well as designing and assessing outcomes of interventions.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 682 -  Assessment for School Counselors  

This course is a study of the basic principles of assessment in education and counseling. Students will learn various forms of formal and informal assessment methods for diagnosing individual and comprehensive student trends in academic, behavioral, socio-emotional and career development and performance, and designing and assessment outcomes of interventions.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 685 -  Advanced Youth Counseling  

Counseling theories and techniques are studies as applied to individual and group counseling of youth. Applications extend to consultation with teachers, school systems, parents and family systems. Current research on youth counseling theories includes play therapy, choice theory/reality therapy, brief solution-focused theory, cognitive behavioral theory and models of parent training. Case conceptualization and treatment planning is framed within ecological and family systems, developmental theory, post-modern theory and medical model (current DSM).

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 688 -  Counseling in the Schools  

Counseling theories and techniques are studies as applied to individual and group counseling of school-age youth. Applications extend to program development, assessment and consultation with teachers, school systems, parents and family systems. A developmental perspective and the use of the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National Model are incorporated throughout the entire course.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 690 -  Experimental  

A unique and specifically focused course within the general purview of a department which intends to offer it on a "one time only" basis and not as a permanent part of the department's curriculum.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 695 -  Workshop  

A workshop is a program which is usually of short duration, narrow in scope, often non-traditional in content and format, and on a timely topic.

Credits: 1-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 698 -  Selected Topics  

A Selected Topics course is a normal, departmental offering which is directly related to the discipline, but because of its specialized nature, may not be able to be offered on a yearly basis by the department.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 699 -  Introduction to Research  

Students will become critical consumers of research and will be familiar with issues related to conducting research within counseling and student affairs. Students will learn about qualitative and quantitative research assumptions, methods and design considerations. Students will also learn about ethical research practices.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 700 -  Independent Study  

Intended for students who wish to study a topic in-depth that is not already a major part of a graduate course. Approval to undertake an independent study is required prior to registration. Independent Study courses give students the opportunity to pursue research and/or studies that are not part of the university's traditional course offerings. Students work one on one or in small groups with faculty guidance and are typically required to submit a final paper or project as determined by the supervising professor.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 701 -  Clinical Mental Health Counseling Practicum  

Counseling and consulting in the field under supervision. Although individual counseling is emphasized, there are opportunities for group counseling, agency collaboration, development of awareness of community client resources and application of multicultural sensitivities to clients, their significant others and community stake holders in terms of treatment planning and advocacy. Students are required to have all appropriate clearances and proof of professional liability insurance for counselor-in-training, attend weekly group and individual supervision with program faculty and weekly on site supervision provided by approved clinical supervisor.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Summer Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 702 -  Advanced Supervised Practicum and Seminar in Counseling  

The advanced practicum provides an opportunity for the student to perform under supervision of a variety of activities that a regularly employed staff member in the setting would be expected to perform. Although individual counseling is emphasized, there are opportunities for group counseling, the administration and/or interpretation of tests, consulting with the client's ""significant others, and the utilization of referral sources. Students regularly meet both individually with the on site supervisor as well as in a seminar setting with a faculty member.

Prerequisite: CDEV 701C
C Requires minimum grade of C.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 703 -  Practicum in Counselor Supervision  

A variety of supervision models and theories related to clinical mental health counseling will be explored, including the methods, models and principles of clinical supervision. Students are expected to apply their knowledge of supervision through supervising emerging counselors.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 704 -  School Counseling Practicum  

Supervised individual and group counseling, and consultation with teachers, administrators, and parents. Students also learn to utilize both school and community referral sources. Students meet regularly for individual supervision with their on-site and university supervisor, and receive group supervision with their university supervisor. Refer to the individual program guides for prerequisites. Requirements include Act 34 and Act 151 clearances and proof of insurance.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 705 -  Student Affairs Practicum  

Supervised fieldwork experience intended to provide the student with an opportunity for engaging in supervised practice across a variety of student affairs professional activities in an approved student affairs setting. Theory to professional practice considerations are a central focus. Students meet regularly for group supervision with their faculty supervisor. In addition to focusing on the development of a case study derived from the student's fieldwork experience, students will rotate through specialized topics that will be presented by the supervising faculty. Approval by the course instructor is required and is based on consideration of the student's completed coursework, previous experience, and demonstrated readiness to undertake responsibilities involved in the practicum. Proof of liability insurance is required.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 706 -  Student Affairs Practicum 2  

Advanced supervised fieldwork experience intended to provide the student with an opportunity for engaging in supervised practice across a variety of student affairs professional activities in an approved student affairs setting. Theory to professional practice considerations are a central focus. Students meet regularly for individual or triadic supervision with their on-site supervisor, and receive group supervision with their university supervisor. Student Affairs Practicum 2 will meet for the last five weeks of the semester. This course also focuses on the development of a case study derived from the student's fieldwork experience. Approval by Program coordinator is required and is based on consideration of student's completed coursework, previous experience and demonstrated readiness to undertake responsibilities involved in the practicum. Live or recorded observation of professional activities is required. Proof of liability insurance is required.

Credits: 1

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 707 -  College Counseling Practicum  

Supervised fieldwork experience intended to provide the student with an opportunity for engaging in supervised practice across a variety of college counseling professional activities in an approved college counseling setting. Theory to professional practice considerations are a central focus. Students meet regularly for individual or triadic supervision with their on-site and university supervisor, and receive group supervision with their university supervisor. Approval by Program Coordinator is required and is based on consideration of student's completed coursework, previous experience and demonstrated readiness to undertake responsibilities involved in the practicum. Live or recorded observation of sessions is required. Proof of liability insurance and appropriate clearances (criminal & child abuse) is required.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.
Enrollment limited to students with department of Counseling & Development.

CDEV 708 -  College Counseling Practicum 2  

Supervised fieldwork experience intended to provide the student with an opportunity for engaging in supervised practice across a variety of college counseling professional activities in an approved college counseling setting. Theory to professional practice considerations are a central focus. Students meet regularly for individual or triadic supervision with their on-site and university supervisor, and receive group supervision with their university supervisor. College Counseling Practicum 2 will meet for the last five weeks of the semester. This course also focuses on the development of a case study derived from the student's fieldwork experience. Approval by Program Coordinator is required and is based on consideration of student's completed coursework, previous experience and demonstrated readiness to undertake responsibilities involved in the practicum. Live or recorded observation of sessions is required.

Credits: 1

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.
Enrollment limited to students with department of Counseling & Development.

CDEV 750 -  School Based Counseling Internship  

Individually designed learning intended to provide the student with an opportunity for observation and participation in a wide range of counseling activities in an approved school setting. Requirements: All appropriate clearances and proof of professional liability insurance for counselor-in-training, weekly group supervision with program faculty and weekly on-site supervision provided by approved clinical supervisor.

Credits: 2-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 751 -  Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling  

Individually designed learning intended to provide the student with an opportunity for observation and participation in a wide range of counseling activities in an approved institutional or agency setting.Requirements: All appropriate clearances and proof of professional liability insurance for counselor-in-training, weekly group supervision with program faculty and weekly on site supervision provided by approved clinical supervisor.

Credits: 3-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall & Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 753 -  Student Affairs Pre Internship  

Individually designed experiential learning intended to provide the student with an opportunity for observation and participation in a wide range of student affairs professional activities in an approved college student affairs setting.Prerequisites: Approval by program coordinator based on consideration of student's background, previous experience, and demonstrated readiness to undertake responsibilities involved in the internship. Proof of insurance is required.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 755 -  Student Affairs Internship  

Advanced supervised fieldwork experience intended to provide the student with an opportunity for engaging in supervised practice across a variety of student affairs professional activities in an approved student affairs setting. Theory to professional practice considerations are a central focus. Students meet regularly for individual or triadic supervision with their on-site supervisor, and receive group supervision with their university supervisor. This course also focuses on the development of a case study analysis derived from the student's fieldwork experience. This case study analysis will provide the basis for the student's required culminating activity to be conducted during this internship. Requires the approval of Program Coordinator. Proof of liability insurance is required.

Prerequisite: CDEV 705C
C Requires minimum grade of C.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 756 -  College Counseling Internship  

Advanced supervised fieldwork experience intended to provide the student with an opportunity for engaging in supervised practice across a variety of college counseling professional activities in an approved college counseling setting. Theory to professional practice considerations are a central focus. Students meet regularly for individual or triadic supervision with their on-site supervisor, and receive group supervision with their university supervisor. this course also focuses on the development of a case study derived from the student's fieldwork experience. This case study and analysis will provide the basis for the student's required culminating activity to be conducted early in the semester of this internship. Requires the approval of Program Coordinator. Proof of liability insurance and appropriate clearances (criminal & child abuse) is required.

Prerequisite: CDEV 708P
P Requires minimum grade of P.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall & Spring Terms

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.
Enrollment limited to students with department of Counseling & Development.

CDEV 790 -  Experimental  

A unique and specifically focused course within the general purview of a department which intends to offer it on a "one time only" basis and not as a permanent part of the department's curriculum.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Graduate.

CDEV 795 -  Workshop  

A workshop is a program which is usually of short duration, narrow in scope, often non-traditional in content and format, and on a timely topic.

Credits: 1-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 798 -  Selected Topics  

A Selected Topics course is a normal, departmental offering which is directly related to the discipline, but because of its specialized nature, may not be able to be offered on a yearly basis by the department.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 800 -  Thesis  

Students pursuing a thesis program should contact their academic advisor concerning research after completing about one-half of their degree coursework. The advisor will assist the student with the necessary steps (such as preliminary selection of a topic and arranging for the appointment of a committee) to proceed.

Credits: 3-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.
Enrollment limited to students with the SPECIAL APPROVAL attribute.

CDEV 810 -  American Higher Education: Institutions and Issues  

This course brings to life various issues in higher education. The issues covered bridge research, theory, and practice, and discusses a range of institutions. Students will analyze events, places, issues, and themes in American higher education to better understand the accomplishments, possibilities, and challenges deeply embedded in American higher education.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 820 -  Access, Equity, and Affordability in Higher Education  

The course supports the notion that practice of admissions is not a singular independent activity, but in fact, is an integral part and linked to what we know about the development, mission, and current student profile issues that influence institutional practice. This course introduces individuals to the research, theoretical, and practical issues surrounding access to college and equity in higher education institutions. It specifically addresses access and equity issues related to racial/ethnic minority groups and socioeconomic status.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 830 -  Higher Education Law and Policy  

This course offers the opportunity to consider legal and policy matters to examine the goals, governance, norms, and ideals of American institutions of higher education. This course also examines the nature and establishment of colleges and universities; the relationship of colleges to local, state, and federal governments; and seminal case law and pending legislation. The legal and policy issues discussed serve as a gateway to a broader discussion of the role and meaning of higher education in today's society.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 840 -  Financing and Fundraising in Higher Education  

This course is centered on financial, economic, and budgetary issues within higher education. The course will review political, economic, and social issues influencing higher education finance. In addition to examining revenue models and budgeting, the course will explore fundraising in the context of higher education.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 860 -  Higher Education Leadership and Strategic Planning  

This course examines the management of higher education institutions in the United States and the major opportunities and challenges they face. This course will provide a foundation in higher education management from the perspective of academic and administrative leadership. Students will examine a conceptual framework for the development of an integrated comprehensive institutional strategic plan, while analyzing a guide for measures designed to help assure successful implementation of the plan.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

CDEV 870 -  Academic Culture and Learning in Higher Education  

This course centers on issues of teaching and learning in higher education. Theories about how people learn and think will be examined. The course will overview planning and implementing learning experiences on campus. Through the examination of various issues and ideas about the purposes of higher education, academic culture will be uncovered.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.