Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Leadership (LEAD)

LEAD 101 -  Introduction to Leadership  

The purpose of this course is to provide students with a fundamental knowledge of leadership and leadership styles. This is an introductory course into the leadership realm and provides students with sound working knowledge of leadership principles. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to apply basic leadership principles in daily organizational and personal settings, assess different leadership styles, justify their personal style choice, and compare and contrast leadership and management.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

LEAD 139 -  Foundations of Academic Discovery  

Foundations of Academic Discovery serves as the entry point to the Rock Integrated Studies Program. With its strong faculty-student interaction, the course promotes intellectual inquiry, critical and creative thinking, and computer skills needed for academic success. Through varied content, the course introduces students to academic discourse and information literacy while exploring topics such as diversity and inclusion and global awareness. This course will set students along the path to becoming engaged with issues and scholarship important to a 21st century education while they learn about themselves and their place in the world.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1 or Freshman 2 may not enroll.
Enrollment limited to students with the ROCK STUDIES 2 STUDENT or ROCK STUDIES STUDENT attributes.

LEAD 144 -  Introduction to Cognitive Studies  

The goal of Cognitive Studies is to understand the mind using insights from a variety of fields including Psychology, Computer Science, Linguistics, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, and Neuroscience. Cognitive Science is by definition an interdisciplinary field. The class will cover mental processes such as perception, reasoning, memory, attention, imagery, language, intelligence, thinking, decision-making, and consciousness using an interdisciplinary approach that fits within a liberal arts perspective.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Summer & Winter Terms

Thematic Thread(s): Transfer Thread Completion Course

LEAD 190 -  Experimental  

A unique and specifically focused course within the general purview of a department which intends to offer it on a "one time only" basis and not as a permanent part of the department's curriculum.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

LEAD 195 -  Workshop  

A workshop is a program which is usually of short duration, narrow in scope, often non-traditional in content and format, and on a timely topic.

Credits: 1-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

LEAD 198 -  Selected Topics  

A Selected Topics course is a normal, departmental offering which is directly related to the discipline, but because of its specialized nature, may not be able to be offered on a yearly basis by the department.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

LEAD 215 -  Introduction to Consciousness  

This class will survey theories of consciousness and self through the scope of a broad range of fields: Neurophysiology, Cognitive Psychology, Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Psychology and Physics. Consciousness and the sense of self will he explored and viewed from a number of different disciplines using an interdisciplinary approach.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Thematic Thread(s): Conservation, Technology & Imagination, Human Diversity & Well-Being, Transfer Thread Completion Course

LEAD 244 -  Artificial Intelligence in Cognitive Studies and Film  

Artificial intelligence (Al) is the study of how to realize human intelligence on a computer. Philosophically, it is concerned with replicating consciousness and self-recognition in machines. The goal of Al is to make a computer that can learn, plan, and solve problems. This course will cover fundamental knowledge for understanding Al. We will introduce the history of Al in Cognitive Science and how it has been explored in various popular films.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Thematic Thread(s): Cultural Literacy & Community Building, Conservation, Technology & Imagination, Transfer Thread Completion Course

LEAD 251 -  Leadership Theory  

A survey of the nature, purpose and leadership of human institutions: why and how people organize; organizational environments, forms, structures, processes, leadership, communication, ethical, and societal impacts.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Every Term

Thematic Thread(s): Citizenship & Social Problems, Cultural Literacy & Community Building, Transfer Thread Completion Course

LEAD 253 -  Online Practical Research  

Students will participate in a leadership workshop online where they will examine 10 leaders via case studies and keep a portfolio with a summation of their findings regarding the various leaders and their actions with respect to the organizational development theory studies in the Introduction to Leadership Course. The course instructor will supervise the students and certify that they met the requirements in the following areas: leadership development, group service, and field-work experience.

Prerequisites: INDP 251C or CSLD 251C or LEAD 251C
C Requires minimum grade of C.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

Enrollment limited to students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2, Sophomore 1 or Sophomore 2.

LEAD 290 -  Experimental  

A unique and specifically focused course within the general purview of a department which intends to offer it on a "one time only" basis and not as a permanent part of the department's curriculum.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

LEAD 295 -  Workshop  

A workshop is a program which is usually of short duration, narrow in scope, often non-traditional in content and format, and on a timely topic.

Credits: 1-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

LEAD 298 -  Selected Topics  

A Selected Topics course is a normal, departmental offering which is directly related to the discipline, but because of its specialized nature, may not be able to be offered on a yearly basis by the department.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

LEAD 315 -  Mindfulness and Brain  

Cognitive Science is the interdisciplinary study of the mind, perception, and sense of self. Many practices in Mindfulness can impact both the mind and body. The several books and research projects on the topic reflect this connection. This class will explore how meditation, mindfulness, Tai Chi and Yoga can affect the brain using an interdisciplinary approach within a liberal arts perspective.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Thematic Thread(s): Citizenship & Social Problems, Conservation, Technology & Imagination, Institutions & Human Innovations, Transfer Thread Completion Course

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 344 -  Left and Right Brain: From Neuron to Culture  

This class will explore the differences between the left and right sides of the brain. The class begins with differences in anatomy and physiology and will conclude with how these differences affect personality, culture, art, music, science, and politics. The emphasis will be an interdisciplinary approach within a Liberal Arts framework.

Credits: 3

Thematic Thread(s): Conservation, Technology & Imagination, Human Diversity & Well-Being, Transfer Thread Completion Course

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 350 -  Multicultural Leadership  

Multicultural Leadership compares leadership across cultures and countries, explores the relationship between culture and leadership styles, ideas of cultural diversity and globalization, and a variety of considerations with implications for leading within and across national borders and global regions. This course also explores the challenging but increasingly important task of working across cultures in teams composed of persons from different cultures, ethnicities, racial identifications, and religious and social backgrounds.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Every Term

Thematic Thread(s): Citizenship & Social Problems, Cultural Literacy & Community Building, Human Diversity & Well-Being, Transfer Thread Completion Course, United Stated in Global Context

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 351 -  Leadership Practicum  

Students will participate in leadership and campus student organization and/or sanctioned activities and will keep a journal relating their activities to leadership and organizational development theory studied in the Introduction to Leadership course. The course instructor will supervise the students and certify that they met the requirements in the following areas: leadership development, group service and field-work experience.

Prerequisites: INDP 251D or PROF 250D or CSLD 251D
D Requires minimum grade of D.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 352 -  Self Leadership  

Before an individual can lead other people or organizations, they must first be able to lead themselves effectively. Self Leadership is a course designed to introduce students to processes, tools and strategies to overcome obstacles and to achieve goals.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Fall Terms

Thematic Thread(s): Citizenship & Social Problems, Human Diversity & Well-Being, Transfer Thread Completion Course

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 353 -  Teambuilding for Leaders  

Teambuilding for Leaders exposes students to the techniques, processes and tools to effectively build, lead and motivate multifaceted group of individuals and galvanize them into a functional and effective team oriented on achieving mutually supporting goals.

Credits: 3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Spring Terms

LEAD 354 -  Strategic Planning and Decision Making for Leaders  

Strategic Planning and Decision Making for Leaders introduces students to a process of planning that helps leaders apply thoroughness, clarity, sound judgment, logic, and professional knowledge to understand situations, develop options to solve problems, and reach decisions. This process helps leaders, their staffs, and others think critically and creatively while planning.

Credits: 3

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 355 -  Leadership Development Course  

The Leadership Development Course is an experiential lecture and laboratory oriented program where students have the opportunity to connect leadership theory with reality in a controlled, monitored and evaluated environment. Students will get to apply their leadership skills with regard to team development, motivating, relationship development and outcome success while negotiating a myriad of situational obstacles and scenarios.

Credits: 3

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 390 -  Experimental  

A unique and specifically focused course within the general purview of a department which intends to offer it on a "one time only" basis and not as a permanent part of the department's curriculum.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Every Term

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 395 -  Workshop  

A workshop is a program which is usually of short duration, narrow in scope, often non-traditional in content and format, and on a timely topic.

Credits: 1-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 398 -  Selected Topics  

A Selected Topics course is a normal, departmental offering which is directly related to the discipline, but because of its specialized nature, may not be able to be offered on a yearly basis by the department.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 450 -  Internship  

Supervised placement in selected professional agencies.

Credits: 1-12

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered Every Term

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 456 -  Research in Cognitive Science  

The goal of Cognitive Science is to understand the mind using insights from a variety of fields including Psychology, Computer Science. Linguistics, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, and Neuroscience. Cognitive Studies is by definition an interdisciplinary field. Interdisciplinary research comprises a major component to the field. In this course, students will gain experience by conducting a research project.

Prerequisites: (INDP 144C or CSLD 144C or LEAD 144C) and INDP 318C
C Requires minimum grade of C.

Credits: 3

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 490 -  Independent Study  

Independent Study courses give students the opportunity to pursue research and/or studies that are not part of the university's traditional course offerings. Students work one on one or in small groups with faculty guidance and are typically required to submit a final paper or project as determined by the supervising professor.

Credits: 1-3

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 495 -  Workshop  

A workshop is a program which is usually of short duration, narrow in scope, often non-traditional in content and format, and on a timely topic.

Credits: 1-6

Term(s) Typically Offered: Offered as Needed

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.

LEAD 498 -  Selected Topics  

A Selected Topics course is a normal, departmental offering which is directly related to the discipline, but because of its specialized nature, may not be able to be offered on a yearly basis by the department.

Credits: 1-3

Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.