Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Rock Integrated Studies 2 Program

The Rock Integrated Studies 2 Program ("Rock Studies 2") at Slippery Rock University is the general education requirement for all undergraduate students in all majors at the University.  

The purpose of a general education program is to introduce you to a broad range of knowledge in addition to the material you learn in your major.  It includes 42 credits of the required 120 minimum credits required for graduation.  There are three parts to the Rock Studies 2 program:  

  • The Rock 
  • Integrated Inquiry 
  • Thematic Threads 

Educating students to be life-long learners is part of the mission of Slippery Rock University.  

The Rock Studies 2 Program is unique as a general education program because it provides thematic interdisciplinary connections to guide you toward thinking critically and creatively, and to use knowledge from diverse places as they confront and analyze issues and problems. 

The program under which you enter is the program that you will follow through to graduation. Students may not transfer between programs.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of human cultures, diversity, and the physical and natural world, including:
    1.  the sciences;
    2. mathematics;
    3. social sciences;
    4. humanities;
    5. history;
    6. language; and
    7. the arts.
  2. Demonstrate intellectual and practical skills, including:
    1. apply the processes of inquiry and analysis;
    2. think critically;
    3. think creatively;
    4. develop and express ideas in writing;
    5. develop and express ideas orally;
    6. apply quantitative reasoning skills;
    7. apply information literacy skills;
    8. solve problems; and
    9. extract meaning from written texts.
  3. Practice personal and social responsibility, including:
    1. demonstrate knowledge of diverse experiences, cultures, and identities from a systemic perspective;
    2. engage in ethical reasoning;
    3. utilize foundations and skills for lifelong learning;
    4. engage in global learning;
    5. practice civic knowledge and engagement – local and global; and
    6. digital literacy.
  4. Engage in integrative and applied learning.