Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Secondary Education - English (7-12), Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)

This program prepares students for careers teaching English in secondary schools. Requirements for the Major in Secondary Education (7-12) include a combination courses and student teaching experiences that lead to certification for a state-approved teaching license. All candidates completing this program and student teaching are eligible to receive Pennsylvania certification after achieving a passing or qualifying score on Pennsylvania Department of Education required exam(s). If you are interested in teaching in another state, please contact the Department of Education in that state.

Teacher Education Policy Manual


Impact on Student Learning (SRU UG 2, 3, 5, 9)

Content Knowledge in the English Language Arts (SRU UG 2, 9)

Effective Planning of Classroom-Based Instruction (SRU UG 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

Candidates' Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (SRU UG 4, 5, 7, 8, 9)

English Language Learners (SRU UG 5, 7, 8, 9)

Linguistics (SRU UG 2, 9)

Reading (SRU UG 2, 9)

Research English (SRU UG 1, 2, 9)

Degree Program Writing Competency (SRU UG 1)

Related Links

Secondary Education - English, BSED Program Page


Professional Licensure/Certification Page

Curriculum Guide

GPA Requirement

GPA must be 3.0 or higher for Teacher Candidacy.

A 3.0 GPA and passing subject area assessment (PRAXIS) or a 2.8 GPA and a qualifying passing subject area assessment (PRAXIS) score (as determined by PDE) is required for certification.


Rock Studies 2 Requirements43
Other Basic Requirements0-3
Major Requirements91

* All undergraduate degree programs require a minimum of 120 credits.  Some courses meet multiple requirements, but are only counted once toward the 120 credit total required to graduate.

Rock Studies 2 Requirements

The Rock
SUBJ 139Foundations of Academic Discovery 13
ENGL 102Critical Writing3
ENGL 104Critical Reading3
STAT 152Elementary Statistics I3
Select one of the following:3
Civil Discourse: Theory & Practice
Ethics and Civil Discourse
Civil Discourse and Democracy
Integrated Inquiry
Creative and Aesthetic Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Humanities Inquiry
ENGL 220Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies3
Social Science Inquiry
COMM 263Mass Media and Society3
Physical & Natural Sciences
SCI 101Science of Life3
SCI 102Understanding the Physical World3
Additional Rock Studies 2 Requirements (13 credits)
MATH 125Precalculus4
SPED 121Overview of Special Education3
SPED 315Special Education Issues in Diverse Secondary Classrooms3
COMM 217Intercultural Communication3
Total Hours43

Course offered in multiple subjects; cannot take course in first major subject.

Basic Math Requirement

Check with your adviser or a current degree audit report to see if you have been exempted from this course. The credit earned in this course will not be counted toward the 120 credit hour minimum needed to earn a degree.

Complete one of the following:0-3
Meet required minimum SAT or ACT math score OR
Beginning Algebra
Total Hours0-3


Students must take and pass a course with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) designation prior to graduation.  Students can meet this requirement by taking any DEI - designated course in any program at any time during their undergraduate career. 

Major Requirements

  • 47 major credits must be taken at SRU or PASSHE
  • 47 major credits must be taken at the 300 level or above
Professional Education
All grades earned in Professional Education must be a "C" or above
SEFE 200Introduction to Education, Teaching Methods and Field3
SEFE 230Production and Utilization of Instructional Technology3
Choose one of the following:3
Teaching of Language Arts in Secondary Schools
Teaching of Middle Level and Secondary Social Studies and the Engl Language Arts for the Humanities
SEFE 326ELL Strategies and Practice3
SEFE 338Standards-Based Instruction & Assessment in the Inclusionary Classroom3
SEFE 342Educational Psychology for Diverse Learners3
SEFE 370Educational Measurements, Assessment and Evaluation3
SEFE 380History and Philosophy of Education3
SEFE 426Practicum in Middle-Level & Secondary Education1
SEFE 455Student Teaching - Secondary Education12
SPED 121Overview of Special Education3
SPED 315Special Education Issues in Diverse Secondary Classrooms3
Writing Specialization
ENGL 204Composition and Rhetoric3
ENGL 235Writing for Non-Print Media3
ENGL 305Practicum: Teaching Writing3
Language Requirement
ENGL 230Introduction to Linguistics and Grammar3
ENGL 331Historical Development of the English Language3
Required English Courses
ENGL 312Introduction to Shakespeare3
or ENGL 389 Stratford Shakespeare Tour
ENGL 317British Literature I3
ENGL 318British Literature II3
ENGL 319American Literature I3
ENGL 320American Literature II3
ENGL 328Young Adult Literature3
ENGL 402World Literature3
ENGL 403Literary and Cultural Theory3
Choose one of the following3
African-American Literature
Literature of the Women's Movement
Native American Literature
U.S. Latino/a Literatures
Asian Literature
Queer Literature and Film
Communication Courses
COMM 215Small Group Communication3
or COMM 217 Intercultural Communication
COMM 263Mass Media and Society3
Total Hours91

Course counts for 50% of Major and Major GPA


Some courses may require pre-requisites. Please see course descriptions to determine if there are any pre-requisites for that specific course.

Important Information

For information only: Please see adviser for more details pertaining to this certification

Optional Dual Certification in Secondary Education and Special Education

Secondary Education majors can add special education certification by taking the following courses in addition to those required for the secondary education major:

SPED 230Early Intervention Practices for Students with Disabilities3
SPED 350Universal Intervention3
SPED 360Targeted Instructional and Behavioral Interventions for Neuro-Diverse Learners3
SPED 431Intense Behavioral and Emotional Interventions for Neuro-Diverse Learners3
SPED 432Intensive ELA Interventions for Neuro-Diverse Learners3
SPED 433Assessment Strategies in Special Education3
SPED 434Professional Collaboration and Ethical Practices3
SPED 435Processes and Procedures in Special Education3
Total Hours24

Prerequisites for Admission to Teacher Candidacy

  • Teacher candidacy requires a minimum of 3.0 GPA with no basic skills or a 2.8 GPA with demonstration that basic skills have been met. 

Basic Courses
ENGL 102Critical Writing3
ENGL 104Critical Reading3
SEFE 200Introduction to Education, Teaching Methods and Field3
SEFE 230Production and Utilization of Instructional Technology3
SPED 121Overview of Special Education3
Math Requirement
Select 6 credits from the following:6
Mathematics as a Liberal Art
Financial Mathematics
Quantitative Reasoning
Elementary Geometry
Intermediate Algebra
Finite Mathematics with Matrices
Introduction to Applied Calculus
Discrete Mathematics
Calculus I
Elementary Statistics I
Total Hours21

Important Curriculum Guide Notes

This Curriculum Guide is provided to help SRU students and prospective students better understand their intended major curriculum. Enrolled SRU students should note that the My Rock Audit may place already-earned and/or in progress courses in different, yet valid, curriculum categories. Enrolled SRU students should use the My Rock Audit Report and materials and information provided by their faculty advisers to ensure accurate progress towards degree completion. The information on this guide is current as of the date listed. Students are responsible for curriculum requirements at the time of enrollment at the University.

PASSHE - Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Institutions

Effective Summer 202022
Revised: 04.30.2023
UCC 02.27.2024


Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENGL 102 Critical Writing 3
ESAP 101 FYRST Seminar * 1
SCI 101 Science of Life 3
SPED 121 Overview of Special Education 3
SUBJ 139University Seminar 1 3
Creative & Aesthetic Inquiry 3
SEFE 200 Introduction to Education, Teaching Methods and Field 3
COMM 217
Intercultural Communication
or Small Group Communication
ENGL 104 Critical Reading 3
ENGL 220 Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 3
STAT 152 Elementary Statistics I 3
Second Year
SEFE 230 Production and Utilization of Instructional Technology 3
SEFE 370 Educational Measurements, Assessment and Evaluation 3
ENGL 235 Writing for Non-Print Media 3
MATH 125 Precalculus 4
Select one of the following: 3
Civil Discourse: Theory & Practice
Ethics and Civil Discourse
Civil Discourse and Democracy
SEFE 326 ELL Strategies and Practice 3
ENGL 204 Composition and Rhetoric (S) 3
COMM 263 Mass Media and Society 3
ENGL 230 Introduction to Linguistics and Grammar 3
SCI 102 Understanding the Physical World 3
Third Year
SEFE 380 History and Philosophy of Education 3
ENGL 317 British Literature I (F) 3
ENGL 319 American Literature I (F) 3
ENGL 328 Young Adult Literature (F) 3
ENGL 331 Historical Development of the English Language (F) 3
SEFE 338 Standards-Based Instruction & Assessment in the Inclusionary Classroom (S) 3
ENGL 312
Introduction to Shakespeare (S)
or Stratford Shakespeare Tour
ENGL 318 British Literature II (S) 3
ENGL 320 American Literature II (S) 3
ENGL 332 Modern English Grammar and Syntax (S) 3
Fourth Year
SEFE 320 Teaching of Language Arts in Secondary Schools (F) 3
SEFE 342 Educational Psychology for Diverse Learners 3
SEFE 426 Practicum in Middle-Level & Secondary Education 1
ENGL 305 Practicum: Teaching Writing (F) 3
ENGL 402 World Literature (F) 3
ENGL 403 Literary and Cultural Theory 3
SEFE 455 Student Teaching - Secondary Education 12
SPED 315 Special Education Issues in Diverse Secondary Classrooms 3
 Total Hours**123

Course offered in multiple subjects; cannot take course in first major subject


Students are encouraged to take ESAP 101 as a Free Elective.


(F) Indicates Fall Course Only


(S) Indicates Spring Course Only

** This document is meant to serve as a guide. Some planners may show more than 120 credits because faculty have created flexibility in choosing courses.  However, only 120 credits are required to obtain a degree. Please consult with your academic adviser and refer to your curriculum guide prior to registering for courses. This plan should be reviewed, and verified, by you and your academic adviser at least once each academic year. 

Revised: 09.07.2023