Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

History, Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Program Learning Outcomes

  • COMMUNICATION: including speech and writing, using appropriate sources of information and various presentation formats.  Links to University Outcome #1
    • able to develop & present a thesis effectively in either oral or written form
    • able to organize legitimate supporting materials in a comprehensible way
    • able to create a persuasive written argument
    • able to speak clearly on a topic
  • CRITICAL THINKING: locate, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information and ideas from multiple perspectives. Links to University Outcomes #2 and #3.
    • able to interpret the meaning of historical texts
    • able to identify an author’s thesis
    • able to identify key points in a document
    • able to assess the logical consistency of arguments
    • able to generate an independent argument from existing primary and secondary sources
  • PROFESSIONAL PROFICIENCY: including competency in applying research methods and applying knowledge and skills to meet professional competencies with History. Links to University Outcomes #8 and #3.
    • able to locate and retrieve information from a variety of sources (print, electronic, other)
    • able to use Turabian (or Chicago Manual of Style)
    • able to assess the legitimacy and appropriateness of sources
  • OBJECTIVE KNOWLEDGE: includes demonstrating historical knowledge at a level which reflects competency and understanding of course material pertaining to a variety of historical epochs and diverse geographical and cultural contexts. Links to University Outcomes #5 and #6, but is defined specifically by the ability to acquire and to assess historical facts as well as interpretations that are broadly-based as well as in-depth.
    • able to identify key historical figures, events, trends commensurate with being knowledgeable in a field of history
    • able to summarize the current prevailing analyses of historical events 
    • able to identify mistakes of logic (or facts) when history is cited in debated issues
  • CAREER PREPARATION: Links to University Outcome # 5.
    • can identify career paths suited to history majors
    • can extrapolate applied history experience to a variety of history-oriented careers
    • can report post-graduate success tied to history degree-based skills acquired as an undergraduate

Related Links

History, BA Program Page

Professional Licensure/Certification Page

Curriculum Guide

GPA Requirement

Major GPA: 2.0 or higher
Overall GPA: 2.0 or higher


Rock Studies 2 Requirements42
Modern Language Requirement0-9
Other Basic Requirements0-3
Major Requirements42

* All undergraduate degree programs require a minimum of 120 credits.  Some courses meet multiple requirements, but are only counted once toward the 120 credit total required to graduate.

Rock Studies 2 Requirements

The Rock
SUBJ 139Foundations of Academic Discovery 13
ENGL 102Critical Writing3
ENGL 104Critical Reading3
MATH 117Quantitative Reasoning3
Select one of the following:3
Civil Discourse: Theory & Practice
Ethics and Civil Discourse
Civil Discourse and Democracy
Integrated Inquiry
Creative and Aesthetic Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Humanities Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Social Science Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Natural Sciences Inquiry
SCI 101Science of Life3
Physical Sciences Inquiry
SCI 102Understanding the Physical World3
Thematic Thread
Select 12 Credits 212
Total Hours42

Course offered in multiple subjects; cannot take course in first major subject.


One course from each category; six credits must be 300-level or above; no more than 4 credits from one subject area; specific courses required in first major, regardless of prefix of course, cannot be used to satisfy thread requirements; any course with same prefix as first major cannot be used to satisfy thread requirements, even if it is not a course in the first major.

BA Modern Language Requirement

BA degree requires language proficiency at the 103 class level. Exemption by placement or examination is possible.

Complete 0-9 credits0-9
Total Hours0-9

Basic Math Requirement

Check with your adviser or a current degree audit report to see if you have been exempted from this course. The credit earned in this course will not be counted toward the 120 credit hour minimum needed to earn a degree.

Complete one of the following:0-3
Meet required minimum SAT or ACT math score OR
Beginning Algebra
Total Hours0-3


Students must take and pass a course with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) designation prior to graduation.  Students can meet this requirement by taking any DEI - designated course in any program at any time during their undergraduate career. 

Major Requirements

  • 21 major credits must be taken at SRU or PASSHE
  • 21 major credits must be taken at the 300 level or above
Required Courses
HIST 151Ancient World to the Age of Global Encounters3
HIST 152Early Modern to Contemporary World3
HIST 201Colonial US to the Civil War Era3
HIST 202US Civil War Era to Present3
HIST 205The Historian's Craft 13
HIST 454Research and Writing Seminar 13
Required Elective Courses
United States
Select six credits from the list below6
Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East
Select six credits from the list below6
Select six credits from the list below6
Applied History
Select three credits from the list below3
All History majors must complete 3 additional upper division History credits.
HIST 300/400 level course 13
Total Hours42

Course counts for 50% of Major requirements and Major GPA


Some courses may require pre-requisites. Please see course descriptions to determine if there are any pre-requisites for that specific course.

United States

HIST 304American Military History 13
HIST 313U.S. Manhood and Masculinities 13
HIST 323African American History to 1876 13
HIST 324African American History Since 1876 13
HIST 326The Long Civil Rights Movement 13
HIST 335Outstanding Americans 13
HIST 336American Economic History 13
HIST 337Native American History 13
HIST 344The American City 13
HIST 350The American Civil War 13
HIST 353History of the Americas 13
HIST 358American Popular Culture, 1865 to the Present 13
HIST 364History of Medicine 13
HIST 390Experimental 13
HIST 435Pennsylvania 13
HIST 437The American West 13
HIST 445Americans and the Environment 13
HIST 453American Constitutional History and Law 13
HIST 490Independent Study 13
HIST 498Selected Topics 13

Course counts for 50% of Major requirements and Major GPA

Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East

HIST 351Latin America to 1830 13
HIST 352Latin America Since 1830 13
HIST 353History of the Americas 13
HIST 362Africa North of the Zambezi 13
HIST 363Southern Africa 13
HIST 364History of Medicine 13
HIST 370History and the Bible 13
HIST 371History of Jews 13
HIST 376Modern Japan 13
HIST 380Egyptology 13
HIST 381East Asian Military Traditions 13
HIST 382Modern Asian Pacific Rim 13
HIST 386Modern China 13
HIST 390Experimental 13
HIST 406Mass Killing and Genocide in the Modern World 13
HIST 462The Contemporary Middle East 13
HIST 463Israel-History, State and Society 13
HIST 490Independent Study 13
HIST 498Selected Topics 13

Course counts for 50% of Major requirements and Major GPA


HIST 305Russia to 1855 13
HIST 306Russia Since 1855 13
HIST 318Gender and Sexuality in European Society 13
HIST 319History of Women to 1750 13
HIST 331England to 1689 13
HIST 332Britain Since 1689 13
HIST 333Medieval Church 13
HIST 346Rise of Imperial Britain 13
HIST 347Twentieth Century British Culture 13
HIST 364History of Medicine 13
HIST 390Experimental 13
HIST 404Violence in Post-45 Europe 13
HIST 422Ancient Greece 13
HIST 423Ancient Rome 13
HIST 424The Middle Ages 13
HIST 426French Revolution and Napoleon 13
HIST 427Nineteenth Century Europe 13
HIST 464The Scientific Revolution of the 17th and 18th Centuries 13
HIST 490Independent Study 13
HIST 498Selected Topics 13

Course counts for 50% of Major requirements and Major GPA

Applied History

HIST 343Public History 13
HIST 395Workshop 13
HIST 411Digital History 13
HIST 450History Internship 13
HIST 490Independent Study 13
HIST 495Workshop 13

Course counts for 50% of Major requirements and Major GPA

Co-curricular and Experiential Learning

Students are encouraged to explore additional curricular and co-curricular opportunities. These opportunities can deepen and enhance the learning in History. In addition, there is a strong correlation between long-term student success and engagement in these opportunities:

  1. Internships
  2. Reacting to the Past designated courses
  3. Student-faculty research
  4. International and domestic study programs (short-term, semester, and year-long)
  5. Volunteering at historical institutions (museums, archives, libraries, living history centers, etc.)
  6. Career education and development
  7. Student leadership development

Important Curriculum Guide Notes

This Curriculum Guide is provided to help SRU students and prospective students better understand their intended major curriculum. Enrolled SRU students should note that the My Rock Audit may place already-earned and/or in progress courses in different, yet valid, curriculum categories. Enrolled SRU students should use the My Rock Audit Report and materials and information provided by their faculty advisers to ensure accurate progress towards degree completion. The information on this guide is current as of the date listed. Students are responsible for curriculum requirements at the time of enrollment at the University.

PASSHE - Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Institutions

HISTORY - BA (5 44)
This program is effective as of Summer 2022
Revised 05.27.2022.
UCC 03.01.2022 

Recommended Four-Year Plan

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
SUBJ 139Foundations of Academic Discovery 1 3
ENGL 102 Critical Writing 3
ESAP 101 FYRST Seminar * 1
Select one of the following: 3
Ancient World to the Age of Global Encounters
Early Modern to Contemporary World
Select one of the following: 3
Colonial US to the Civil War Era
US Civil War Era to Present
Humanities Inquiry 3
ENGL 104 Critical Reading 3
Select one of the following: 3
Ancient World to the Age of Global Encounters
Early Modern to Contemporary World
Select one of the following: 3
Colonial US to the Civil War Era
US Civil War Era to Present
MODL 1XXLanguage and Culture I, II, or III 3
MATH 117 Quantitative Reasoning 3
Second Year
HIST 205 The Historian's Craft 3
Select one of the following: 3
Civil Discourse: Theory & Practice
Ethics and Civil Discourse
Civil Discourse and Democracy
MODL 1XXLanguage and Culture I, II, or III 3
Creative & Aesthetic Inquiry 3
Social Science Inquiry 3
Declare a Thematic Thread 2
United States History 300/400 3
European History 300/400 3
MODL 1XXLanguage and Culture I, II, or III 3
Thematic Thread Requirement 3
Elective/Minor/Certificate/2nd Major 3
Third Year
United States History 300/400 3
African, Asian, Latin American, and Middle Eastern History 300/400 3
SCI 101 Science of Life 3
Thematic Thread Requirement 3
Elective/Minor/Certificate/2nd Major 3
Applied History 300/400 3
African, Asian, Latin American, and Middle Eastern History 300/400 3
SCI 102 Understanding the Physical World 3
Elective/Minor/Certificate/2nd Major 3
Thematic Thread Requirement 3
Fourth Year
HIST 454 Research and Writing Seminar 3
European History 300/400 3
Elective/Minor/Certificate/2nd Major 3
Elective/Minor/Certificate/2nd Major 3
Thematic Thread Requirement 3
History Elective 300/400 3
Elective/Minor/Certificate/2nd Major 3
Elective/Minor/Certificate/2nd Major 3
Elective/Minor/Certificate/2nd Major 3
Elective/Minor/Certificate/2nd Major 3
 Total Hours**121

Course offered in multiple subjects; cannot take course in first major subject.


Work with your Academic Adviser to declare a Thematic Thread by the end of your fall semester in your second year.


Students are encouraged to take ESAP 101 as a Free Elective.

** This document is meant to serve as a guide. Some planners may show more than 120 credits because faculty have created flexibility in choosing courses.  However, only 120 credits are required to obtain a degree. Please consult with your academic adviser and refer to your curriculum guide prior to registering for courses. This plan should be reviewed, and verified, by you and your academic adviser at least once each academic year. 

Major Code: 5 44
Revised: 04.14.2023