Health Service Administration (HSA)
Provides knowledge about comprehensive health planning, comparing concepts, models, and approaches.
Prerequisites: (ECON 219D or BUSA 219D or MGMT 219D) and COMM 231D and HSA 231D and (PROF 251D or MGMT 251D or MGMT 351D) and MRKT 330D
D Requires minimum grade of D.
Credits: 3
Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.
This course is designed to provide an understanding of common computer systems, applications, and the intelligent use of information in healthcare in areas such as: patient care, management, administration, strategic-decision support, and e-health. It presents information on hardware, software, networks, and data management to enable students to become conversant with modern technology and its use in healthcare organizations. Emphasis is placed on strategic planning, decision support, continuous quality improvement, and high-quality patient care.
Prerequisites: (CPSC 210D or MIS 210D) and HSA 231D and CPSC 323D
D Requires minimum grade of D.
Credits: 3
Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.
Focuses on the role, responsibilities, standards, and requirements involved in accrediting and licensing surveys for health care organizations.
Prerequisites: HSA 231D and (MGMT 250D or MGMT 351D or MGMT 251D) and (MRKT 330D or MRKT 230D) and ACCT 340D
D Requires minimum grade of D.
Credits: 3
Students with a semester level of Freshman 1, Freshman 2 or Sophomore 1 may not enroll.