Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Concentration in K-12 Art Teacher Preparation

Students in the BFA Art program will have the option to elect this concentration and take most of the required coursework as undergraduates at SRU to prepare for certification through Carlow University. BFA Art graduates with this concentration will enroll at Carlow University for a semester of student teaching, and will obtain K-12 Art Teacher Certification through Carlow University.

This concentration can be completed within the current curricular structure of the BFA degree, and with the addition of six College of Education classes. Students are required to take one class (at any level) in most studio art disciplines. See adviser.

This concentration includes all coursework and requirements specified by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, with student teaching and K-12 Art Teacher certification obtained through Carlow University.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Critical Thinking: Art majors will locate, analyze and synthesize art historical information and context within their own work.
  • Degree Program Writing Competency: Students will be able to effectively communicate in writing for purposes of the discipline.
  • Direction: Art majors develop a personal direction through their choice of medium, idea and/or style. Students will demonstrate intellectual and artistic curiosity while committing to improvement. 
  • Professional Proficiency: Art majors will perceive, discuss and demonstrate professional proficiency upon graduation by applying their knowledge and skills of fine art.
  • Technique: Art majors will demonstrate technical aptitude. The department assesses the technical quality of student production. Each medium varies with its technical demands.

Related Links

Art - K-12 Teacher Preparation, BFA Program Page

Professional Licensure/Certification Page

Curriculum Guide

GPA Requirement

Major GPA: 3.0 or higher
Overall GPA: 3.0 or higher


Rock Studies 2 Requirements42
Other Basic Requirements0-3
Major Requirements78
Concentration Requirements9

* All undergraduate degree programs require a minimum of 120 credits.  Some courses meet multiple requirements, but are only counted once toward the 120 credit total required to graduate.

Rock Studies 2 Requirements

The Rock
SUBJ 139Foundations of Academic Discovery 13
ENGL 102Critical Writing3
ENGL 104Critical Reading3
MATH 117Quantitative Reasoning3
Select one of the following:3
Civil Discourse: Theory & Practice
Ethics and Civil Discourse
Civil Discourse and Democracy
Integrated Inquiry
Creative and Aesthetic Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Humanities Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Social Science Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Natural Science Inquiry
SCI 101Science of Life3
Physical Science Inquiry
SCI 102Understanding the Physical World3
Thematic Thread
Select 12 Credits 212
Total Hours42

Course offered in multiple subjects; cannot take course in first major subject.


One course from each category; six credits must be 300-level or above; no more than 4 credits from one subject area; specific courses required in first major, regardless of prefix of course, cannot be used to satisfy thread requirements; any course with same prefix as first major cannot be used to satisfy thread requirements, even if it is not a course in the first major.

Basic Math Requirement

Check with your adviser or a current degree audit report to see if you have been exempted from this course. The credit earned in this course will not be counted toward the 120 credit hour minimum needed to earn a degree.

Complete one of the following:0-3
Meet required minimum SAT or ACT math score OR
Beginning Algebra
Total Hours0-3


Students must take and pass a course with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) designation prior to graduation.  Students can meet this requirement by taking any DEI - designated course in any program at any time during their undergraduate career. 

Major Requirements

  • 39 major credits must be taken at SRU or PASSHE
  • 39 major credits must be taken at the 300 level or above
Required Courses
ART 1002-D Design 13
ART 1013-D Design 13
ART 105Basic Studio Drawing 13
ART 225Overview of Western Art 13
ART 226Overview of World Art 13
ART 300Art Seminar 13
Art History Electives
Select two of the following:6
North American Art History 1
The Renaissance Tradition 1
Foundations of Modern Art 1
Early Modern Art 1
Art Since 1945 1
Art History Seminar 1
100 Level Electives
Select three of the following courses, no class may be repeated:9
Basic Studio Painting 1
Basic Studio Photography 1
Basic Studio Printmaking 1
Basic Studio Metalsmithing 1
Basic Studio Sculpture 1
Basic Studio Fiber Art 1
Basic Studio Ceramics 1
Basic Studio Graphic Design 1
Basic Studio Digital Media 1
200 Level Electives
Select four of the following courses, you may take any class twice:12
Intermediate Studio Drawing 1
Intermediate Studio Painting 1
Intermediate Studio Photography 1
Intermediate Studio Printmaking 1
Intermediate Studio Metalsmithing 1
Intermediate Studio Sculpture 1
Intermediate Studio Fiber Art 1
Intermediate Studio Ceramics 1
Intermediate Studio Graphic Design 1
Intermediate Studio Digital Media 1
300 Level Electives
Select four of the following courses, you may take any class up to three times:12
Advanced Studio Drawing 1
Advanced Studio Painting 1
Advanced Studio Photography 1
Advanced Studio Printmaking 1
Advanced Studio Metalsmithing 1
Advanced Studio Sculpture 1
Advanced Studio Fiber Art 1
Advanced Studio Ceramics 1
Advanced Studio Graphic Design 1
Advanced Studio Digital Media 1
400 Level Electives
Select three of the following courses, you may take any class up to two times:9
Senior Studio Drawing 1
Senior Studio Painting 1
Senior Studio Photography 1
Senior Studio Printmaking 1
Senior Studio Metalsmithing 1
Senior Studio Sculpture 1
Senior Studio Fiber Art 1
Senior Studio Ceramics 1
Senior Studio Graphic Design 1
Senior Studio Digital Media 1
SR Project
Select one of the following: 23
Senior Project Drawing 1
Senior Project Painting 1
Senior Project Photography 1
Senior Project Printmaking 1
Senior Project Metalsmithing 1
Senior Project Sculpture 1
Senior Project Fiber Art 1
Senior Project Ceramics 1
Senior Project Graphic Design 1
Senior Project Digital Media 1
Art Electives
Select from 300-400 level courses 1,39
Total Hours78

Course counts for 50% of Major requirements and Major GPA.


400 level pre-req or permission of instructor.


The Art classes required for PA K-12 Art Teacher Certification can be used as Art Electives.


Some courses may require pre-requisites. Please see course descriptions to determine if there are any pre-requisites for that specific course.

Concentration Requirements

Art Education Concentration
The following four ART classes are required for Art Teacher Certification and also can be used as Art Elective in the BFA Art degree.
ART 317Elementary Art Methods and Materials 13
AE 327Secondary Art Methods & Mat (Carlow)3
ART 440Art Education Methods 1,21
ART 451Art Education Methods Internship 1,22
Total Hours9

Course counts for 50% of Major requirements and Major GPA.


Taken concurrently.


Some courses may require pre-requisites. Please see course descriptions to determine if there are any pre-requisites for that specific course.


1. Pass the following Courses:
Introduction to Education, Teaching Methods and Field
Overview of Special Education
2. Candidacy for Certification Review:
A. At 48 credits and prior to taking upper level education-related coursework, students must pass the Candidacy for Certification on Review and meet minimum PDE requirements. Consult with Adviser.
B. Pass the following courses:
Human Development and Education
Critical Writing
Critical Reading
Introduction to Education, Teaching Methods and Field
Overview of Special Education
Two MATH Courses
C. Complete Field Experiences:
Stage 1 - Observations
Stage 2 - Explorations
D. Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
E. Pass the PAPA Basic Skills Tests or equivalent.
F. Obtain all PA Clearances:
The Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Records Check (Act 34)
The Federal Criminal History Record (Act 114).
The Child Abuse History Clearance (Act 151).
Complete the Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification (Act 24).
TB Test
3. Sucessfully complete the following courses:
ELL Strategies and Practice
Educational Psychology for Diverse Learners
Universal Intervention
Targeted Instructional and Behavioral Interventions for Neuro-Diverse Learners
4. Before SRU Graduation and student teaching placement (through Carlow University) pass PRAXIS II-Fundamental Subjects Content Knowledge. PRAXIS II-Art Content knowledge is required for K-12 Art Teach Certification through Carlow University.

Co-curricular and Experiential Learning

Students are encouraged to explore additional curricular and co-curricular opportunities. There is a strong correlation between long-term student success and participation in the following types of programs and activities:

  1. International study programs (short-term, semester)
  2. High-Impact Practice (HIP) designated classes
  3. Student-faculty creative projects
  4. Student leadership development
  5. Service opportunities (e.g., Empty Bowls program)
  6. Career education and development
  7. Internships
  8. Student exhibitions
  9. Field Experiences

Important Curriculum Guide Notes

This Curriculum Guide is provided to help SRU students and prospective students better understand their intended major curriculum. Enrolled SRU students should note that the My Rock Audit may place already-earned and/or in progress courses in different, yet valid, curriculum categories. Enrolled SRU students should use the My Rock Audit Report and materials and information provided by their faculty advisers to ensure accurate progress towards degree completion. The information on this guide is current as of the date listed. Students are responsible for curriculum requirements at the time of enrollment at the University.

PASSHE - Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Institutions

ART- BFA (5305)
Concentration in K-12 Art Teacher Preparation (ARTE)
This program is effective as of Fall 2020.
Revised 02.2020
UCC 10.29.2021 

Recommended Four-Year Plan

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ART 225 Overview of Western Art 3
ART 100 2-D Design 3
ART 105 Basic Studio Drawing 3
ENGL 102 Critical Writing 3
ESAP 101 FYRST Seminar * 1
SUBJ 139Foundations of Academic Discovery 6 3
ART 101 3-D Design 3
ART 1XXArt Studio 100 Level 3
ART 1XXArt Studio 100 Level 3
ENGL 104 Critical Reading 3
MATH 117 Quantitative Reasoning 3
SPED 121 Overview of Special Education 1 3
Second Year
ART 1XXArt Studio 100 Level 3
ART 2XXArt Studio 200 Level 3
POLS 235 Civil Discourse and Democracy 3
SEFE 200 Introduction to Education, Teaching Methods and Field 3
Creative & Aesthetic Inquiry 3
Humanities Inquiry 3
Declare a Thematic Thread 5
ART 226 Overview of World Art 3
ART 2XXArt Studio 200 Level 3
ART 2XXArt Studio 200 Level 3
ART 2XXArt Studio 200 Level 3
CDEV 248 Human Development and Education 2 3
SCI 102 Understanding the Physical World 3
Third Year
ART 3XXArt History 300 Level 3
ART 3XXArt Studio 300 Level 3
ART 3XXArt Studio 300 Level 3
SCI 101 Science of Life 3
SEFE 326 ELL Strategies and Practice 3
Thematic Thread RequiremenT 3
ART 3XXArt Studio 300 Level 3
ART 3XXArt Studio 300 Level 3
ART 300 Art Seminar 3
SPED 350 Universal Intervention 3 3
Social Science Inquiry 3
Thematic Thread Requirement (ED: Second Math Requirment) 3
*Art Studio Elective (AE 327 Carlow Presession) 3
Fourth Year
ART 4XXArt Studio 400 Level 3
ART 4XXArt Studio 400 Level 3
ART 317 Elementary Art Methods and Materials 3
ART 451 Art Education Methods Internship 2
ART 440 Art Education Methods 1
SEFE 342 Educational Psychology for Diverse Learners 3
Thematic Thread Requirement 3
Art History - select one from the following: 3
North American Art History
The Renaissance Tradition
Foundations of Modern Art
Early Modern Art
Art Since 1945
Art History Seminar
Thematic Thread Requirement 3
ART 4XXArt Studio 400 Level 3
Senior Project - select one from the following: 3
Senior Project Drawing
Senior Project Painting
Senior Project Photography
Senior Project Printmaking
Senior Project Metalsmithing
Senior Project Sculpture
Senior Project Fiber Art
Senior Project Ceramics
Senior Project Graphic Design
Senior Project Digital Media
SPED 360 Targeted Instructional and Behavioral Interventions for Neuro-Diverse Learners 4 3
 Total Hours**142

Stage 1: 20 Hour Observation


Stage 2: 20 hour Observation


Praxis II: 0511 and 5511


Praxis II:  Art 0134


Work with your Academic Adviser to declare a Thematic Thread by the end of your fall semester in your second year.


Course offered in multiple subject areas; cannot take in first major subject area.


Students are encouraged to take ESAP 101​ as a Free Elective.

** This document is meant to serve as a guide. Some planners may show more than 120 credits because faculty have created flexibility in choosing courses.  However, only 120 credits are required to obtain a degree. Please consult with your academic adviser and refer to your curriculum guide prior to registering for courses. This plan should be reviewed, and verified, by you and your academic adviser at least once each academic year. 

ART- BFA (5305)
Concentration in K-12 Art Teacher Preparation (ARTE)
Revised 05.13.2022