Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Recreational Therapy, Bachelor of Science (BS) / Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU) (Traditional)


1. Degree Program Writing Competency: Upon completion of the degree program RT students will write professionally and effectively, according to expectations of the Recreational Therapy profession. – UG1

2. Life-Long Learning: Recognize the importance of lifelong learning and demonstrates responsibly for self-assessment and growth.  This ability is evident through the demonstration of self-initiating behaviors, anticipating and responding to changes in a productive manner, assuming responsibility for continuous self-reflection assessment of strengths and limitations and in seeking out information from a variety of resources in an independent manner. – UG5, UG6

3. Methodological Proficiency: Upon completion of the degree program RT students will use an analytical framework to facilitate the Recreational Therapy process to meet the needs of individuals. The abilities developed include a solid knowledge of the RT process, assessment methods, planning skills, intervention, techniques and strategies, and evaluation skills. – UG2, UG3, UG4,

4. Professional Decision Making: Analyze and synthesize complex information to make sound clinical decisions.  This ability is inclusive of areas such as problem solving, critical thinking, evaluation and organization with application to clinical and non-clinical areas. – UG10

5. Professional Interactions: Effectively communicates with people in a variety of professional contexts including assisting clients in confronting and coping with life challenges, collaborating on teams and presenting information in oral and written formats. The abilities developed include striving to maintain objectivity, tolerating ambiguity, appreciating diversity and adhering to conventional standards of expression. – UG8, UG10,

6. Valuing Ethical Responsibilities: Act with professional values in all situations.  These skills include maintaining appropriate humane and ethical treatment of individuals as well as upholding the professional code of ethics. This expertise includes formulating value judgments reflecting a respect for dignity and individuality of every person. – UG7, UG8, UG9

What are your options?

Pre-Occupational Therapy SRU 3+3:  Earn a Doctor of Occupational Therapy in six years rather than seven. In the first three years, you complete your major courses and prerequisites for the SRU OTD program. At the end of your second year, you apply for admission into the SRU OTD program. If accepted, your first year in the SRU OTD program meets the remaining requirements for your undergraduate degree. If not accepted, you continue to complete your undergraduate degree and can reapply to the program. The accelerated option is for incoming freshmen only.

Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU Traditional): Complete the requirements for your major and the prerequisites for the SRU OTD program and apply to the SRU OTD program in your senior year.


Recreational Therapy - Pre-Occupational Therapy, BS Program Page

Professional Licensure/Certification Page



Major GPA: 2.0 or higher
Overall GPA: 2.0 or higher


Rock Studies 2 Requirements43-44
Other Basic Requirements0-3
Major Requirements57
Professional Electives9
NCTRC Certification Requirements18

* All undergraduate degree programs require a minimum of 120 credits.  Some courses meet multiple requirements, but are only counted once toward the 120 credit total required to graduate.


The Rock
SUBJ 139Foundations of Academic Discovery 13
ENGL 102Critical Writing3
ENGL 104Critical Reading3
MATH 117Quantitative Reasoning 23
Select one of the following:3
Civil Discourse: Theory & Practice
Ethics and Civil Discourse
Civil Discourse and Democracy
Integrated Inquiry
Creative and Aesthetic Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Humanities Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Social Science Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Natural Science Inquiry
BIOL 209Human Anatomy and Physiology I4
Physical Science Inquiry
PHYS 201Elements of Physics I with Lab3-4
or RCTH 364 Biomechanics of Individuals with Disabilities
Thematic Thread
Required Thematic Thread Coursework:12
Medical Terminology
Medical/Health Care Ethics
Ethics & Legal Fundamentals for the Health Professions
Introduction to Psychology
Additional 300-400 Level Course
Total Hours43-44

Course offered in multiple subjects; cannot take course in first major subject.


Consult with your academic adviser as course options are available to assist in meeting DOT prerequisite admission requirements.

Basic Math Requirement

Check with your adviser or a current degree audit report to see if you have been exempted from this course. The credit earned in this course will not be counted toward the 120 credit hour minimum needed to earn a degree.

Complete one of the following:0-3
Meet required minimum SAT or ACT math score OR
Beginning Algebra
Total Hours0-3


Students must take and pass a course with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) designation prior to graduation.  Students can meet this requirement by taking any DEI - designated course in any program at any time during their undergraduate career. 


  • 30 major credits must be taken at SRU or PASSHE
  • 30 major credits must be taken at the 300 level or above
Recreational Therapy Courses
Must earn a “C” or better in all of the following RCTH courses:
RCTH 120Disability, Community Inclusion, and Diversity 13
RCTH 220Recreational Therapy Services 13
RCTH 232Recreational Therapy for People with Physical Disabilities 13
RCTH 233Recreational Therapy for People with Psychosocial and Mental Disorders 13
RCTH 314Clinical Aspects of Recreational Therapy 13
RCTH 316Applied Research and Evidenced-Based Practice3
RCTH 317Organization and Management of Recreational Therapy Practice 13
RCTH 319Client Assessment in Recreational Therapy 13
RCTH 320Recreational Therapy Program Design 13
RCTH 351Recreational Therapy Practicum 13
RCTH 364Biomechanics of Individuals with Disabilities 13
RCTH 415Challenges and Trends in Recreational Therapy 13
RCTH 420Recreational Therapy for Older Adults 13
RCTH 422Leisure Education and Counseling 13
RCTH 423Facilitation of RT Interventions 13
RCTH 450Internship 1, 212
Total Hours57

Course counts for 50% of Major requirements and Major GPA


Students must become certified in First Aid and CPR prior to the internship


Some courses may require pre-requisites. Please see course descriptions to determine if there are any pre-requisites for that specific course.


PHIL 325Medical/Health Care Ethics3
or HCAM 375 Ethics & Legal Fundamentals for the Health Professions
PSYC 105Introduction to Psychology3
PSYC 276Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
Total Hours9


These courses must be completed by the student in order to be eligible to take NCTRC Certification Exam

PSYC 105Introduction to Psychology3
PSYC 244Developmental Psychology3
PSYC 276Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
PE 360Anatomical and Physiological Basis of Physical Activity/Lab3
PHIL 325Medical/Health Care Ethics3
or HCAM 375 Ethics & Legal Fundamentals for the Health Professions
RCTH 364Biomechanics of Individuals with Disabilities3
Total Hours18


PSYC 276Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC 244Developmental Psychology3
EXSC 250Medical Terminology3
or HCAM 250 Medical Terminology for Healthcare Administrators


Students are encouraged to explore additional curricular and co-curricular opportunities. There is a strong correlation between long-term student success and participation in the following types of programs and activities:

  1. High-Impact Practice (HIP) designated classes
  2. Student-faculty research
  3. Student leadership development
  4. Service-learning classes
  5. Internships
  6. Volunteering

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)
Prerequisite Admission Requirements

For Application Requirements

Please refer to Slippery Rock University’s Occupational Therapy Studies (Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Studies) website for requirements: 

Rock Studies 2

Prerequisite Courses - SRU Occupational Therapy
BIOL 209Human Anatomy and Physiology I4
BIOL 309Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
EXSC 250Medical Terminology3
or HCAM 250 Medical Terminology for Healthcare Administrators
PHYS 201Elements of Physics I with Lab4
or RCTH 364 Biomechanics of Individuals with Disabilities
STAT 152Elementary Statistics I3
PSYC 105Introduction to Psychology3
PSYC 244Developmental Psychology3
PSYC 276Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
Research Methods - Select One: 13
Research Methods in Exercise Science
Health Care Theory and Research Capstone Seminar
Research Methods in Interdisciplinary Studies
Psychological Science I: Research Methods
Applied Research and Evidenced-Based Practice
Research Methods
Anthropology or Sociology - Select One: 13
Race and Ethnic Diversity in the USA
Introduction to Anthropology
Biological Anthropology
Health and Society
Cultural Area Studies
Minority Groups
The Family
Society, Culture and Self
Gender Roles and Society
Sociology of Aging
Disability, Community Inclusion, and Diversity
Human Diversity
Total Hours33

Select one course. See My Rock Audit for specific courses.

Important Curriculum Guide Notes

This Curriculum Guide is provided to help SRU students and prospective students better understand their intended major curriculum. Enrolled SRU students should note that the My Rock Audit may place already-earned and/or in progress courses in different, yet valid, curriculum categories. Enrolled SRU students should use the My Rock Audit Report and materials and information provided by their faculty advisers to ensure accurate progress towards degree completion. The information on this guide is current as of the date listed. Students are responsible for curriculum requirements at the time of enrollment at the University.

PASSHE - Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Institutions

PRE-PT (SRU Traditional)
Effective Summer 2024
Revised 05.16.2024
UCC 04.16.2024