Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Geography, Bachelor of Science (BS) - Concentration in Global Studies

The global studies program offers students an interdisciplinary perspective on our globalized world. Students in this program gain an understanding of the basic physical, cultural, economic, and political forces that shape our world, as well as in-depth exploration of particular places and regions of importance. Global studies majors learn to think cross-culturally about the major problems facing our world, and prepare for careers with an international focus.

The global studies program provides students with a base in liberal arts skills (critical thinking, writing, and speaking) and in analytical skills such as data collection in the field, in the library, and on the computer; the use of global positioning systems; the use of mapping, spreadsheet, and database software. Many of our students have found work that allow them to address important environmental and social issues in the private or public sector. Representative employment areas for our graduates include environmental consulting, pollution remediation, environmental law or public policy, outdoor education, resource management, geographic information systems analysis, nonprofit environmental organizations, and planning.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Outcome 1 (GES):  Each graduate shall develop general knowledge and understanding of the concepts of location, place, human environment interactions, movement, and region.
    • Each graduate will demonstrate an understanding of physical features and patterns of the physical environment
    • Each graduate will demonstrate an understanding of features and patterns of the human environment
    • Each graduate will demonstrate an understanding of concepts such as absolute and relative location, proximity, separation, direction, region, hierarchy, density, and dispersion, and methods that are used to describe and analyze spatial patterns
    • Each graduate will demonstrate an understanding of absolute location systems such as latitude-longitude and alpha-numeric grids
    • Each graduate will demonstrate an understanding of major spatial features and patterns in the natural environment such as those relating to climate, oceans, soils, landforms, and vegetation
    • Each graduate will demonstrate an understanding of the major processes, such as evolution, atmospheric circulation, weathering and erosion, ocean currents, plate tectonics, and volcanism that shape patterns in the natural environment.
    • Each graduate will demonstrate an understanding of the major spatial features and patterns in the cultural environment such as language, religion, and agriculture and economic, political, and demographic regions
    • Each graduate will demonstrate an understanding of the major processes such as settlement, migration, trade, technological development, diffusion, and landscape transformation that shape cultural patterns

Geology, Geology, and the Environment, Overall

  • Outcome 1:  Each graduate will develop strong written and oral communication skills, demonstrate the ability to work in a collaborative environment, and exhibit professional attitudes and behavior.
    • Each graduate will deliver oral presentations, demonstrating the ability to effectively communicate discipline-specific concepts
    • Each graduate will write scholarly papers using acceptable format and organization with proper citations to appropriate literature.
    • Each graduate will actively participate in collaborative projects and in academic field trips
    • Each graduate will demonstrate professionalism and integrity in his/her academic conduct
    • Each graduate shall develop the ability to respect and integrate diverse worldviews in problem-solving frameworks
  • Outcome 2:  Each graduate shall possess and apply critical thinking and problem solving skills.
    • Each graduate will demonstrate the ability to develop valid research questions and hypotheses
    • Each graduate will demonstrate the ability to apply proper techniques for data acquisition and interpretation in a problem-solving context
    • Each graduate will demonstrate the ability to solve open-ended problems using scientific methodology
    • Each graduate will develop the ability to make informed, scientifically-based decisions regarding environmental issues
  • Outcome 3:  Each graduate shall develop skills in quantitative, qualitative, technological, laboratory, and field procedures.
    • Each graduate will learn and employ accepted laboratory and field techniques, protocols, and safety procedures
    • Each graduate will learn to read, construct, and comprehend thematic maps and derive perspective output from a map
    • Each graduate will demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge, concepts and techniques from complementary disciplines to solve problems

Related Links

Geography - Global Studies, BS Program Page

Professional Licensure/Certification Page

Curriculum Guide

GPA Requirement

Major GPA: 2.0 or higher
Overall GPA: 2.0 or higher


Rock Studies 2 Requirements42-44
Other Basic Requirements0-3
Major Requirements50-52

* All undergraduate degree programs require a minimum of 120 credits.  Some courses meet multiple requirements, but are only counted once toward the 120 credit total required to graduate.

Rock Studies 2 Requirements

The Rock
SUBJ 139Foundations of Academic Discovery 13
ENGL 102Critical Writing3
ENGL 104Critical Reading3
STAT 152Elementary Statistics I3
Select one of the following:3
Civil Discourse: Theory & Practice
Ethics and Civil Discourse
Civil Discourse and Democracy
Integrated Inquiry
Creative and Aesthetic Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Humanities Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Social Science Inquiry
Select 3 Credits3
Natural Sciences Inquiry
Select one of the following:3-4
Science of Life
Any CHEM 100-Level w/ Lab
Any BIOL 100-Level w/ Lab
Physical Sciences Inquiry
Select one of the following:3-4
Understanding the Physical World
100 Level Environmental Geoscience & Lab (EGEO)
Any EGEO 100-level w/Lab
Thematic Thread
Select 12 Credits 212
Total Hours42-44

Course offered in multiple subjects; cannot take course in first major subject.


One course from each category; six credits must be 300-level or above; no more than 4 credits from one subject area; specific courses required in first major, regardless of prefix of course, cannot be used to satisfy thread requirements; any course with same prefix as first major cannot be used to satisfy thread requirements, even if it is not a course in the first major.

Basic Math Requirement

Check with your adviser or a current degree audit report to see if you have been exempted from this course. The credit earned in this course will not be counted toward the 120 credit hour minimum needed to earn a degree.

Complete one of the following:0-3
Meet required minimum SAT or ACT math score OR
Beginning Algebra
Total Hours0-3


Students must take and pass a course with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) designation prior to graduation.  Students can meet this requirement by taking any DEI - designated course in any program at any time during their undergraduate career. 

Major Requirements

  • 27 major credits must be taken at SRU or PASSHE
  • 27 major credits must be taken at the 300 level or above
GES 150The Natural Environment 13
GES 205Cultural Geography 13
GES 315Cartography I 13
GES 331Economic Geography 13
Techniques Core
GES 115Introduction to Geospatial Technologies 13
GES 220General Methods of Fieldwork 13
GES 325Introduction to Geographic Information Science 13
EGEO 272Introduction to Georeports/Lab 21
Global Studies Concentration Requirements
Global Environments Core
Any 200-level Modern Languages course3
Global Perspectives
Select seven to nine credits of the following:7-9
Environmental Justice
Earth's Changing Climate
Earth's Changing Climate Laboratory
Gender and the Environment
International Health
International Relations
Introduction to Comparative Politics
International Political Economy
Capstone Experience
Select one of the following:3
World Environmental Cultures 1
Field Investigations in the Geosciences
Regional Studies
Select one course from three of the following areas: 39
Geography Electives
Select any 300/400 level GES or EGEO course, of any additional 300/400 level courses from the Regional Studies lists 6
Total Hours50-52

Course counts for 50% of Major requirements and Major GPA


Course counts for 50% of Major requirements but not for Major GPA


An approved International experience may substitute for the relevant regional requirement.


Some courses may require pre-requisites. Please see course descriptions to determine if there are any pre-requisites for that specific course.


ENGL 242African-American Literature3
ENGL 244Native American Literature3
ENGL 246U.S. Latino/a Literatures3
GES 201Latin America and the Caribbean3
HIST 323African American History to 18763
HIST 324African American History Since 18763
HIST 337Native American History3
HIST 351Latin America to 18303
HIST 352Latin America Since 18303
HIST 353History of the Americas3
INDP 322Archaeology of the Americas3
POLS 370Latin American Politics and Development3
SPAN 215Topics in Hispanic Culture3
SPAN 307U.S. Latino Cultures3
SPAN 326The Civilization of Spanish America: Precolumbian to 19th Century3
SPAN 328Latin American Today3

Europe and Russia

ENGL 314European Film3
FREN 215Topics in French and Francophone Culture3
FREN 305France through the Ages3
GES 204Post-Soviet Union3
GES 308Europe3
HIST 305Russia to 18553
HIST 306Russia Since 18553
HIST 346Rise of Imperial Britain3
HIST 371History of Jews3
SPAN 305Spain Today3


ENGL 248Asian Literature3
ENGL 316Asian Film3
GES 303Asia3
HIST 376Modern Japan3
HIST 381East Asian Military Traditions3
HIST 382Modern Asian Pacific Rim3
HIST 386Modern China3
INDP 310Cultural Area Studies3
INDP 360Issues in Asia; Women in Asian Societies3
JAPN 305Japanese Popular Culture3
JAPN 330Samurai Culture Through Film3
PHIL 343Asian Philosophy3

Middle East, Africa, and Oceania

GES 307Australia3
GES 309Africa3
HIST 462The Contemporary Middle East3
HIST 463Israel-History, State and Society3
HIST 380Egyptology3
INDP 310Cultural Area Studies3

Co-curricular and Experiential Learning

Students are encouraged to explore additional curricular and co-curricular opportunities. There is a strong correlation between long-term student success and participation in the following types of programs and activities:

  1. International study programs (short-term, semester, and year-long)
  2. Student-faculty research
  3. Service-learning classes
  4. Internships
  5. Volunteering

Important Curriculum Guide Notes

This Curriculum Guide is provided to help SRU students and prospective students better understand their intended major curriculum. Enrolled SRU students should note that the My Rock Audit may place already-earned and/or in progress courses in different, yet valid, curriculum categories. Enrolled SRU students should use the My Rock Audit Report and materials and information provided by their faculty advisers to ensure accurate progress towards degree completion. The information on this guide is current as of the date listed. Students are responsible for curriculum requirements at the time of enrollment at the University.

PASSHE - Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Institutions

Concentration in Global Studies (GLST)
This program is effective as of Summer 2022
Revised 06.10.2022
UCC 03.01.2022

Recommended Four-Year Plan

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
GES 115 Introduction to Geospatial Technologies 3
GES 150 The Natural Environment 3
EGEO 131 Oceanography 3
ENGL 102 Critical Writing 3
ESAP 101 FYRST Seminar * 1
SUBJ 139Foundations of Academic Discovery 1 3
ENGL 104 Critical Reading 3
SCI 101 Science of Life 3
Creative & Aesthetic Inquiry 3
GES 105 World Regional Geography 3
Free elective/minor 3
Second Year
GES 220 General Methods of Fieldwork 3
Social Science Inquiry 3
STAT 152 Elementary Statistics I 3
MODL 2XXLanguage and Culture 200 Level 3
Free elective/minor 3
Declare a Thematic Thread 2
EGEO 272 Introduction to Georeports/Lab 1
Select one of the following: 3
Civil Discourse: Theory & Practice
Ethics and Civil Discourse
Civil Discourse and Democracy
Humanities Inquiry 3
Thematic Thread Requirement 3
Free elective/minor 3
Third Year
GES 205 Cultural Geography 3
GES 315 Cartography I 3
GES 355 Earth's Changing Climate 3
GES 356 Earth's Changing Climate Laboratory 1
Thematic Thread Requirement 3
Free elective/minor 3
GES 325 Introduction to Geographic Information Science 3
GES 344 Environmental Justice 3
Major elective 3
Thematic Thread Requirement 3
Free elective/minor 3
Fourth Year
Major Elective 3
Major Elective 3
Thread course 3
Free elective/minor 3
Free elective/minor 3
GES 331 Economic Geography 3
GES 444 World Environmental Cultures 3
Free elective/minor 3
Free elective/minor 3
Free elective/minor 3
 Total Hours**120

Course offered in multiple subjects; cannot take course in first major subject


Work with your Academic Adviser to declare a Thematic Thread by the end of your fall semester in your second year.


Students are encouraged to take ESAP 101 as a Free Elective.

** This document is meant to serve as a guide. Some planners may show more than 120 credits because faculty have created flexibility in choosing courses.  However, only 120 credits are required to obtain a degree. Please consult with your academic adviser and refer to your curriculum guide prior to registering for courses. This plan should be reviewed, and verified, by you and your academic adviser at least once each academic year. 

Major Code: 6142
Concentration Code: GLST
Revised: 08.27.2021