Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University

Biology, Minor

To access Minor Requirements, please view the Curriculum Guide tab.

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Biology, Minor Program Page

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Curriculum Guide

GPA Requirements

Minor GPA: 2.0 or higher

Minor Requirements

  • Students must complete at least 6 credit hours in their minor from SRU.
  • A minimum of 6 credit hours must be upper division (courses numbered 300 and above)
  • A minor shall be no fewer than 18 credits.
  • Students must earn a "C" or better in both Biology I with Lab (BIOL 113) and Biology II with Lab (BIOL 114) before proceeding to their next biology course.
  • Students must earn a "C" or better in both Genetics with Lab (BIOL 250) and Biometry with Lab (BIOL 325) prior to graduating.
Required Courses
BIOL 113Biology I: Foundations of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity with Lab4
BIOL 114Biology II: Foundations of Molecules, Genes and Cells with Lab4
BIOL 250Genetics with Lab4
BIOL 325Biostatistics and Experimental Design with Lab3
Electives (300 level or above)
Select a minimum of six credits from 300 Level or Above Electives6
Total Hours21

300 Level or above Electives

BIOL 301Forest Ecology3
BIOL 302Ecology of Amphibians & Reptiles/Lab3
BIOL 303Behavioral Ecology/Lab3
BIOL 305Wetlands and Aquatic Plants/Lab3
BIOL 306Freshwater Biomonitoring/Lab3
BIOL 307Vertebrate Ecology/Lab3
BIOL 308Aquatic Ecosystem Management / Lab3
BIOL 310Plant Diversity with Lab3
BIOL 311Entomology/Lab3
BIOL 313Herpetology/Lab3
BIOL 314Parasitology with Lab3
BIOL 316Immunology with Lab3
BIOL 317Ecology and Fungi3
BIOL 320Ornithology/Lab3
BIOL 321Wildlife Management/Lab3
BIOL 322Conservation Biology/Lab3
BIOL 323Stream Ecology/Lab3
BIOL 326Field Methods in Biogeography/Lab3
BIOL 327Limnology/Lab3
BIOL 330Microbiology/Lab3
BIOL 331Mammology/Lab3
BIOL 335Cell Biology3
BIOL 340Vertebrate Anatomy with Lab3
BIOL 343Embryology with Lab3
BIOL 350Evolution3
BIOL 356Field Ecology / Lab3
BIOL 357Environmental Microbiology with Lab4
BIOL 360Field Botany3
BIOL 361Flora of Western Pennsylvania3
BIOL 370Molecular Biology3
BIOL 371Vertebrate Field Zoology3
BIOL 373Ichthyology/Lab3
BIOL 375Ecology of Fish / Lab3
BIOL 400Disease Ecology3
BIOL 401Ecology with Lab3
BIOL 402Biogeography/Lab3
BIOL 405Animal Physiological Ecology with Lab4
BIOL 410Animal Physiology with Lab3
BIOL 412Population Biology3
BIOL 430Pathogenic Microbiology3
BIOL 450Biology Internship3
BIOL 451Plant Physiology/Lab3
BIOL 470Histology with Lab3
BIOL 498Selected Topics3
MARS 221Marine Invertebrates3
MARS 241Marine Biology3
MARS 250Wetland Ecology3
MARS 260Marine Ecology3
MARS 270Coastal Vegetation3
MARS 298Selected Topics3
MARS 300Behavior of Marine Organisms3
MARS 310The Mammals of Coastal Ecosystems3
MARS 320Marine Microbiology3
MARS 330Tropical Invertebrates3
MARS 342Marine Botany3
MARS 343Marine Ichthyology3
MARS 344Anatomy of Marine Chordates3
MARS 345Ornithology3
MARS 350Physiology of Marine Invertebrates3
MARS 398Selected Topics3
MARS 420Marine Micropaleontology3
MARS 431Ecology of Marine Plankton3
MARS 441Biology of Molluscs3
MARS 490Independent Study3
MARS 491Coral Reef Ecology3
MARS 492Marine Mammals3
MARS 498Selected Topics3
MARS 500Problems in Marine Science3

Important Curriculum Guide Notes

This Curriculum Guide is provided to help SRU students and prospective students better understand their intended major curriculum. Enrolled SRU students should note that the My Rock Audit may place already-earned and/or in progress courses in different, yet valid, curriculum categories. Enrolled SRU students should use the My Rock Audit Report and materials and information provided by their faculty advisers to ensure accurate progress towards degree completion. The information on this guide is current as of the date listed. Students are responsible for curriculum requirements at the time of enrollment at the University.

PASSHE - Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Institutions

Revised 07.11.2023
UCC 02.01.2022