Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Slippery Rock University


Requirements for Enrollment

The general requirements for enrollment in Army ROTC stipulate that students be accepted as a regularly enrolled university student and be a citizen of the United States. Veterans and  JROTC graduates may receive exemptions from the basic course as approved by the Professor of Military Science (PMS). For continuation in ROTC during the junior and senior years, students must have a 2.500 grade point average in their academic area, have successfully completed requirements for the Basic Course, pass a physical examination, and be accepted by the PMS. Advanced Course students must agree in writing to complete the junior and senior years.

Army ROTC Scholarship/Financial Assistance

Army ROTC offers two-year, three-year, and four-year scholarships on a competitive basis to the most outstanding students who apply. Three and two-year scholarships are awarded to students already enrolled in college. Students who attend the LTC in the two-year program may compete for two-year scholarships.

Each scholarship pays for college tuition and required educational fees and provides a specified amount for textbooks. Each scholarship also includes subsistence allowance of $3,500-$5,000 for every year the scholarship is in effect.

All cadets in the Advanced Course receive a subsistence allowance of $4,500-$5,000 for each of the two years (This is not in addition to the subsistence allowance provided to scholarship recipients), as well as pay for attending the five-week Leadership Development and Assessment Course during the summer between their Junior and Senior years.

The Simultaneous Membership Program

Students who have not been awarded an ROTC scholarship can get a head start on their military careers and their future through the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). This program allows students to be members of the Army National Guard or the Army Reserve and Army ROTC at the same time.

SMP students are paid at the rate of at least a Sergeant (E-5) for their guard or reserve training assemblies, plus the aforementioned allowance from the ROTC Advanced Course. SMP students may also be eligible for additional federal and state educational benefits. They serve as officer trainees in their guard or reserve units and, under the close supervision of a commissioned officer, perform duties commensurate with those of a Second Lieutenant.

Cadets who successfully complete the SMP program graduate with a commission as a Second Lieutenant. Once commissioned, they may continue to serve in their Army National Guard or Army Reserve units, or they may apply for active duty in the U.S. Army.

Students can be in the SMP program all four years at college. They will be paid at the rate of  Sergeant for only the final three years.

The Two-Year Program

The two-year program is designed for junior students and community college graduates, students at four-year colleges who did not take ROTC during their first two years of school, or students entering a two-year post-baccalaureate or graduate course of study.

To enter the two-year program, students must first attend a fully-paid five-week Leadership Training Course (LTC), normally held during the summer between the sophomore and junior years of college. At LTC, students learn to challenge themselves physically and mentally, and to build their confidence and self-respect.

After they have successfully completed LTC, students who meet all necessary enrollment requirements may enroll in the Advanced Course.

Students who have attended basic training/AIT also qualify for the two-year program.

The Four-Year Program

The four-year program is divided into two parts: the Basic Course and the Advanced Course.

The Basic Course is usually taken during the first two years of college and covers such subjects as customs, traditions and organizations of the service, national defense, military history, and leadership development. In addition, a variety of outside social and professional enrichment activities are available. All necessary ROTC textbooks, uniforms, and other essential materials for the Basic Course are furnished at no cost. After completion of the Basic Course, students who have demonstrated the potential to become an officer and who have met the physical and scholastic standards are eligible to enroll in the Advanced Course. (Note: There is no military service obligation associated with taking any Basic Course electives. All electives earn academic credit.)

Military Science

Freshman Year
MS 100The American Military Experience3
MS 102Principles of Leadership3
Sophomore Year
MS 201Basic Military Skills3
MS 202Intermediate Military Skills3
Junior Year
MS 301Fundamentals of Tactical Operations4
MS 302Advanced Military Skills4
Senior Year
MS 401Leadership Dimensions and Concepts4
MS 402Officership and the Profession of Arms4
Required Course (Any Year)3
HIST 304American Military History3
Total Hours34